Annually, students must complete the following steps to ensure they are registered as Dual Enrollment students:
While the student is receiving funds through the Dual Enrollment Funding Program, they can receive a “W” for two courses and cannot retake a course of which they receive a letter grade for and/or for which GSW submits an invoice for payment to GSFC. For example, if a student withdraws from two courses this semester they would be ineligible for future funding through Dual Enrollment but could self-pay and continue taking courses as a high school student.
Dual Enrollment students have the flexibility to self-pay for courses once the 30 hours hard cap is reached, the student withdraws from two courses, or would like to retake a course. If the dual enrollment student is self-pay, the student must satisfy Georgia Residency by submitting lawful presence for the tuition rates to be calculated. The student and high school counselor also completes the attached self-pay form. This process applies for students retaking a course or registering for a class not covered by the Dual Enrollment Funding Program (i.e. music appreciation or lifetime fitness). All of the covered classes are listed on the .
Department of First-Year Experience
Tripp Larkey
Dual Enrollment and Student Success Coordinator
229 931-2949 phone
229-931-2983 fax
Students completing dual enrollment with GSW may move their previous dual enrollment application to a Beginning Freshman.