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Maintaining Dual Enrollment Status

Annually, students must complete the following steps to ensure they are registered as Dual Enrollment students:

  • Online Application - For the application process, students must each academic year at gafutures.org. The application is available each February and is valid for the next summer, fall, and spring semesters. The full application process is outlined in the
  • Funding Application - It is the students responsible to ensure the funding application is completed (meaning the student and parent portion is submitted, the high school portion and the post-secondary portion) prior to the end of the term or prior to withdrawing from a course. If the funding application is not complete, the student is responsible for the full cost of tuition, fees, and books.
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress - DE students must maintain a minimum 2.00 GPA and a 67% Satisfactory Academic Progress to remain eligible for Dual Enrollment Funding. If the DE student fails to meet the SAP criteria, the SAP appeal process for DE and Regular students is the same, the student first emails Financial Aid.

Student Requirements

While the student is receiving funds through the Dual Enrollment Funding Program, they can receive a “W” for two courses and cannot retake a course of which they receive a letter grade for and/or for which GSW submits an invoice for payment to GSFC. For example, if a student withdraws from two courses this semester they would be ineligible for future funding through Dual Enrollment but could self-pay and continue taking courses as a high school student.

Dual Enrollment students have the flexibility to self-pay for courses once the 30 hours hard cap is reached, the student withdraws from two courses, or would like to retake a course. If the dual enrollment student is self-pay, the student must satisfy Georgia Residency by submitting lawful presence for the tuition rates to be calculated. The student and high school counselor also completes the attached self-pay form. This process applies for students retaking a course or registering for a class not covered by the Dual Enrollment Funding Program (i.e. music appreciation or lifetime fitness). All of the covered classes are listed on the .

Department Contact

Department of First-Year Experience

Tripp Larkey
Dual Enrollment and Student Success Coordinator

229 931-2949 phone
229-931-2983 fax

Students completing dual enrollment with GSW may move their previous dual enrollment application to a Beginning Freshman.