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Transfer Online Orientation

All new transfer students are required to complete an online orientation session that provides students with information about Georgia Southwestern's campus, online platforms, financial aid, and various resources offered online and on campus.

All On-Campus Students (and Some Online Students)

Students planning to take on-campus classes or GSW's online classes must complete the Online Transfer Orientation found below by watching the videos in order. Once you've finished all the videos, you will be prompted to enter your GSW ID number, and then you should complete the Academic Advisement Request Form that will be linked in the confirmation email you receive to schedule an appointment with an advisor to register for classes by phone, Teams, or email. The completion of these videos and Academic Advisement Form will remove the orientation hold on your student account.  Students planning to register for online eCore courses must ALSO complete the in addition to the orientation below.

Online eMajor Students (Business, RN to BSN, and Criminal Justice Only)

Students planning to take ONLY eMajor courses for Business or Criminal Justice must complete the which includes both the Online Transfer Orientation and eMajor Quiz required information. After completing the orientation, you will be prompted to enter your Name, GSW ID number, and GSW email. Further instructions related to eMajor course registration will be sent to your GSW email.

Upon completion of the Transfer Orientation, make sure to submit all Admissions Checklist items to begin registering for classes. 

Registration Dates for Transfer Students
Please note the following beginning registration dates for new transfer students:

  • Spring Semester - October 31st
  • Summer Semester - April 14th
  • Fall Semester - May 18th

  Acceptance Checklist