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Bachelor of Science in


Bachelor of Science in Biology

The biology major prepares the student for advanced study, as well as for employment in a biology related field, upon graduation. The student wishing to conclude formal education with the bachelor's degree in biology may find a career with State or Federal governments in health, natural resources and environment, agriculture, or education. Opportunities in the private sector exist in the food and beverage industry, health and pharmaceutical industry, environmental firms, nuclear power plants, and agricultural industry.

The student who wishes to continue study beyond the undergraduate degree may do so in graduate schools or in health professional schools such as medicine, dentistry, or related areas. The biology major is an ideal path for the pre-veterinary medicine student. Many opportunities exist for qualified graduates to pursue graduate level study in the biological sciences.

It is important that students wishing to be admitted to professional programs know that these programs may include courses in addition to those required for graduation with BS degree. It is most important that these students confer with their adviser.

Graduates with a BS in Biology can find career opportunities such as:

  • Biological Technician
  • Health Communications Specialist
  • Biology Teacher
  • Pharmaceutical Sales
  • Agricultural and Food Scientist
  • Microbiologist
  • Environmental Scientist
  • Wildlife Biologist
  • Science/Technical Writer
  • Conservation Scientist
  • Museum Curator
  • Biological Illustrator


Undergraduate Major

Bachelor of Science in Biology

Science Building

229-931-2135 phone
229-931-2734 fax

Monday – Friday: 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Faculty & Staff


Check the class schedule to make sure each biology course is offered when you need it.

Professional and Allied Health Care Programs

Students wishing to enter one of the various health care professions, other than nursing or pharmacy, may meet the entrance requirements through the Department of Biology. Pre-Medical, Pre-Dentistry, and Pre-Veterinary Medicine students often follow the B.S. in biology program selecting courses to meet entrance requirements. Students interested in allied health programs may choose to meet entrance requirements by proper course selection under guidance from a departmental advisor. Students must meet the competitive requirements determined by the professional institutions for admission to the programs.

Allied health programs include, but are not limited to, the following: physical therapy, medical technology, physician assistant, and occupational therapy. Students desiring to enter one of these professions should become aware of necessary program admissions requirements through discussions with the allied health advisor on campus and by contacting the professional schools offering the programs. The student must gain admission to the professional program. Therefore, the student needs to work to be competitive and meet admissions requirements. University System of Georgia units offering programs in the allied health sciences include the Medical College of Georgia, Georgia State University, Armstrong Atlantic State University, Columbus State University, and North Georgia College and State University.

Using a Bachelor of Science as the foundation for further education (Masters, PhD. M.D and other professional programs) graduates can pursue careers such as:

  • Physician
  • Physician Assistant
  • Dentist
  • Pharmacist
  • Optometrist
  • Lawyer
  • Podiatrist
  • Physical Therapy
  • Medical Researcher
  • Post-secondary Instructors
  • Veterinarian
  • Biochemist
  • Nutritionist
  • Bioengineer


Pre-Professional Pathways


I initially chose GSW because of its affordability and closeness to home. However, I found that GSW was the right place for me due to the tight-knit community that exists here which made me feel at home.

Matt Busby Biology
Blakely, Georgia

Before I attended GSW, I heard many health professionals speak highly of the biology department here, and I wanted to be in a reputable program that challenged me.

Lanie Bradford Biology
Colquitt, Georgia