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Bachelor of Arts


Bachelor of Arts in History

The history program at Georgia Southwestern benefits from an abundance of community resources being located near campus such as the Andersonville National Historic Site, the Jimmy Carter National Historic Park, and the Georgia Veterans State Park. The city of Americus also has a rich and complex history that students can explore on their own or through participating in . This environment reinforces our program’s mission of practicing history. Students engage with history through community based learning, undergraduate research, public history field schools, and internships.

Graduates commonly find career opportunities in fields such as:

  • National Park Services
  • Legislative Staff Work
  • Business Communications
  • Education
  • Librarian
  • Law Firms
  • Ministry Work
  • Graduate Study
  • Coaching
  • Nonprofit Organizations


Program Details

Through engaging coursework and hands-on research, students can expect to:

  • Interpret and evaluate historical data; understanding the relationship between the environment and the historical context.
  • Develop writing and analytical skills useful in business and professional careers.
  • Develop skills in communication and interpersonal relationships in order to coordinate projects, build effective teams, and hone leadership skills.

Public History Field School

Public History Field School is an internship program that places a student with the historical, cultural, or government institution that best matches their intellectual interests. It benefits students by bridging the gap between "classroom" and the "real world." Our public history field school puts the past – and our students – to work in communities in the region and helps students imagine professional opportunities beyond graduation.

Undergraduate Major

Bachelor of Arts in History

Business, History & Political Science Building


Monday – Friday: 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Faculty & Staff

Community Based Learning
Undergraduate Research

One of many instances of hands-on experience, "The Study of History" class takes a in Americus, Georgia to find influenza victims from the 1918 pandemic.

Students taking classes through the Department of History and Political Science are frequently given the chance to explore remnants of historic structures locally that relate to their studies. Americus maintains echoes of the past at our fingertips for exploration and further study. 

Georgia Southwestern also offers students the ability to conduct research during their studies. The Department of History and Political Science hosts a Research Event and GSW hosts a university-wide Research Symposium for students to showcase their efforts. 


Undergraduate Research Symposium

Student Spotlight: Nathan Gibson

Georgia Southwestern offers students an abundance of internship opportunities throughout campus for all majors. 

Major: History with Marketing Minor | Year: Senior | Career Goals: Start a small business for social media that helps local businesses

What has your internship experience been like?
"It’s been great. I love working with the people in the office. I’ve gained a lot of experience with different design programs and learned a lot from the people who work here."


I chose history because I've always had a passion for learning about the past and understanding how it has shaped the world we live in today. I appreciate the stories and experiences of different cultures, and I believe that studying history allows us to gain valuable insights and create a more inclusive and informed society.

Morgan Stanfill History Major
Leesburg, Georgia