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Certificate in Pop Music

The Pop Music Certificate is an online program that allows students the opportunity to study music beyond traditional Art music, and provides online students the opportunity to participate in a certificate program. The certificate is open to all students, regardless of major, and may be used in the place of a minor. The program does not require co- requisites or prerequisites, students may begin the certificate any semester, and it may be completed in three semesters.


Course Course Title
MUSC 3131 Pop Music & Culture
MUSC 1150 History of Rock and Roll
MUSC 3020 Music in Film
MUSC 3190 Music History: American Music
MUSC 4114 Video Game Music
MUSC 4242 History of Jazz
MUSC 4900 Special Topics in Music


Undergraduate Certificate

Pop Music

Julie Megginson, DMA
Department Chair


Faculty & Staff


GSW expends a ton of effort into making the campus experience memorable for students. They provide learning opportunities but also unique programming and events for us to attend.

Shannon Griffin, '21 Marketing Major, Pop Music and General Music Certifications
Quitman, Georgia