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Rhetoric Certificate

Unlock the power of meaning construction and persuasion through the lens of communication and media with our Rhetoric certificate. Hone your visual, written, and data literacy skills to enrich civic participation, advocacy, and content creation abilities. Graduates of the rhetoric certificate program will possess versatile skills suitable for seamless integration into government, non-profit, and business organizations. This certificate complements an English major and Pre-Law studies, enhancing your academic and professional journey.

Often used as a minor for the Communication and Emerging Media degree, the certificate in Rhetoric can be used as a standalone certificate, a minor for a variety of majors, or an addition to our various programs. Certificate holders can can find opportunities in the fields of:

  • Business
  • Non-profit Organizations
  • News Broadcasting
  • Public Relations
  • Video Production
  • Digital Content Creation


Certificate Curriculum

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Undergraduate Certificate


Jonathan Carter, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Communication


Faculty & Staff