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School Psychology Certificate

Georgia Southwestern offers a School Psychology Certificate, which is designed to provide students with some knowledge and background in the psychological concepts related to school psychology. School psychologists provide support and interventions to students; consult with teachers, families, and other professionals to improve support strategies and coordinate needed services. This 18-hour certificate is open to all students (including psychology majors). It does not lead to any professional licensure or guarantee acceptance into a graduate School Psychology program; however, it will be beneficial to students who pursue that path.


Certificate Curriculum


Course Course Title
PSYC 3320 Child Psychology
PSYC 3332 Adolescent Development
PSYC 4401 Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 4422 Theories of Personality 
Select at least 2 courses from below
PSYC 3390 Cross-Cultural Psychology
PSYC 4402 Principles of Behavior Modification
PSYC 4403 Emotional Problems of Children
PSYC 4405 Theories and Techniques of Counseling
PSYC 4492 Psychology Internship


School Psychology Certificate

Sally Merritt, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Carter II | Room 210


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GSW offers their students a family. Not just an education, but a community of interconnected people.

Brandon Blue, '22 Harris County, Georgia