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Concentration in



The Ceramics concentration provides students with a foundation in the technical and aesthetic aspects of the medium expressed through functional, sculptural, mixed media or through hybridization with other disciplines, technologies, or social practice. You will develop a variety of skills for the construction of ceramic works and acquire an understanding of firing techniques and relevant glaze chemistry.


The history of ceramic art represents our collective human history. The essential nature of clay is common among all cultures and a great vehicle for the imagination. We have a strong commitment to materials and process as core to the conceptual development of art. Priority is given to both critical thinking and skill development.  

Integrated into the course content are various readings that introduce students to the history of  both theory and practice. Students are encouraged to relate these concepts to their work as a way to develop their own informed ideas within our contemporary context. Students will see themselves within the ongoing development of art’s history and so work to develop their own informed creative voice. Advanced students are encouraged to develop a cohesive body of work within a variety of techniques, both traditional as well as experimental.  Each student within the concentration will have the opportunity for a solo exhibition during their final semester before graduation.

Studio Equipment and Facilities

  • 24 Hour 7 days a week access
  • Studio Space
    • Communal workspace
    • Ventilated kiln room 
    • Covered outdoor kiln area
    • Ventilated Clay-mixing room, clay storage
    • Glaze and materials room / materials bins and storage
  • Kilns               
    • 2 large Alpine updraft gas kilns
    • Shimpo oval electric kiln
    • Other electric kilns
    • Fast fire test kiln
  • Equipment
    • 9 Shimpo wheels
    • 6 Brent CXC Wheels
    • 3 Kick-wheels
    • Worktables / hand-building
    • Shimpo Pugmill
    • Compressed air and spray guns
    • Slab-roller
    • Extruder

Advanced students have individual workspaces. Ceramics students also have access to other studio areas within the department. All students have personal storage space.