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Amir Middleton

Amir Middleton

Pre-Human Resource Management

Hometown: McDonough, Georgia

Major: Junior pre-human resource management major

Graduating: Spring 2026

Why did you choose to attend GSW?
I chose to attend GSW because of that small-town feel. We have such a tight-knit community, no matter where you go on campus you will always run into somebody you know. I never feel alone, and I always know there are people that are there for me when I need them.

Please list your University highlights, achievements, leadership and awards.

  • President Jimmy Carter Leadership Program, 3 years (2022-present)
    • Advisory Committee (2024-present)
  • Storm Spotter, 3 years
    • Captain (2023-2025)
    • New Student Coordinator (2023-2024)
  • Storm Spotter Rookie of the Year Award (2023)
  • Storm Spotter of the Year Award (2024)
  • Presidents List, 1 semester (Spring 2024)
  • Zephyr, 3 years
  • Mr. Freshman (2022-2023)
  • Mr. Sophomore (2023-2024)
  • Exercise Science and Wellness Club, 2 years
    • Risk Manager (2024-2025)
  • GSW Marshal, 2 years (2023-present)
  • FYE Desk Assistant, 1 year
  • FYE Intern, 1 semester

Are you currently receiving any GSW scholarships? If so, which one(s)?
I am currently receiving the Charles Mix Foundation Honors Program Scholarship and the HOPE Scholarship.

Why did you choose your major, or what do you love about your major program at GSW?
One thing I love about the human resource management program is being able to learn about the business world. Not a lot of people get to see the behind-the-scenes, so I think it is cool to understand how that works.

What is a cause you’re passionate about?
I am passionate about community service. I love being able to go out and feel like I have helped my community in some way, even if it is something small. Some things I have volunteered at are Night to Shine, the monthly food distribution in Plains, clean up day for the city of Americus, and much more! There are so many opportunities to give back to your community whether it is on campus, in the city of Americus, or even your hometown!

What is your favorite memory or experience you’ve had at GSW?
My favorite experience so far has been playing intramural volleyball with my friends. After two years, we are still undefeated champions. I plan to keep it that way next season!

Who is your favorite professor or staff member and why?
My favorite staff member is Mikela Barlow, the coordinator of the President Jimmy Carter Leadership Program. Mikela always goes above and beyond - not only with helping me with my academic concerns but just being a friend and supporting me whenever I needed it. From giving me thoughtful advice to just randomly checking up on me, she goes out of her way to make me, and many others, feel valued and cared for. I am so lucky to have had the privilege to have such a great mentor help me through my college journey. She has pushed me to become a better version of myself, not only as a leader but as an individual. I cannot express how much I appreciate everything Mikela has done for me. Without her guidance, I would not be the person I am today.

What has been your greatest challenge?
My greatest challenge has been overcoming my shyness. Being shy has been something I have struggled with my whole life. However, after joining the Canes Leading Canes program and becoming a Storm Spotter, the shy side of me has practically vanished. Having the opportunity to meet and talk to so many students and their supporters during Storm Days forced me to come out of my shell, which is something I will always be grateful for.

What is your plan after graduation?
After I graduate, I plan to apply to join the fire academy. If I am fortunate enough to get selected and complete the academy, I will start a career as a firefighter!

What advice do you have for incoming students?
My advice for incoming students is to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. College is a new experience for you, which can be very nerve wracking, but it also can lead to so much growth and happiness. Get out of your shell and try something new. You’ll never know what you are missing out on if you don’t go out and try new things. Go join a club or an organization. Go talk to a new person. Just go experience new things. Embrace the unfamiliar; don’t let fear stop you from living life!

What is your favorite place to eat, shop, or hang out in Americus?
My favorite place to eat at in Americus is Scoops. I love the cookie monster flavored ice cream!

If you had a time machine, when/where would you travel? Why?
If I had a time machine, I would travel back to the 80s so I can get Michael Jackson to teach me how to do the moonwalk. I want to learn from the best! 

Posted February 7, 2025