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Bachelor of Science

Computer Science

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Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Elevate your career prospects with a Computer Science degree from GSW, where you'll gain a blend of technical prowess and essential soft skills highly sought after by employers. From leadership abilities to advanced programming proficiency, our program equips you with the tools to excel in today's dynamic job market. With the expansive scope of computer science, you'll have the opportunity to specialize in diverse areas tailored to your interests. As technology continues to drive innovation across industries, your computer science expertise will be in high demand, spanning financial institutions, consultancy firms, software development companies, and beyond. Our Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, ensuring the highest standards of education and career readiness. 

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program is accredited by the  


Program Details

Hands-on labs will challenge students and increase problem solving abilities. Throughout the program, computer science students will:

  • Analyze a complex computing problem and apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions
  • Understand the foundations of machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, and database management systems (DBMS)
  • Understand web development, software development, and mobile application development with internship and research opportunities
  • Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline
  • Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.
  • Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles

Hands-on Experience How You Need It

Georgia Southwestern understands the importance of real-deal experience and frequently offers internships and student positions throughout campus and our community to give students the experience required to succeed.

Internship Information

Undergraduate Major

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Department of Computing
Crawford Wheatley Hall


Social Info

Faculty & Staff

Additional Resources

ABET Accredited Program
GSW's Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program is accredited by the Accrediting Body for Engineering and Technology.

Program Objectives
Additional Details

Graduates of the program will have an ability to:

  • Analyze a complex computing problem and apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  • Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
  • Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  • Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  • Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
  • Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions. [CS]
  • Graduates are thoroughly grounded in the principles, practices, and skills of computing to successfully demonstrate competence in their profession or in other academic pursuits. 
  • Graduates can easily adapt to new technologies, remain current with their professions, and are prepared to make suggestions for improving processes used by their organizations. 
  • Graduates are responsible and informed members of the computing profession actively seeking positions of leadership and are contributing members of society.

A growing variety of internships are offered to Computer Science students across campus and throughout the community providing for additional experience outside of the classroom and lab setting. Opportunities may include web programming, cyber security, data analysis, and information technology support with many positions providing both class credit and payment. 

Many internships have led to full-time employment upon graduation. 


Enrollment and Graduation Count
Term: Enrollment: Graduates:
Fall 2020 67 11
Fall 2021 67 7
Fall 2022 62 7
Fall 2023 78 4
Fall 2024 66 9

GSW’s faculty-to-student ratio and small-town feel made it a good choice for me to pursue my degree while being an active member of the Navy Reserves.

Dalton Holley Computer Science Major
Blakely, Georgia