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Certificate in

Project Management

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Project Management Certificate

Increased Salary Potential and Career Opportunities Await!

Earn a Project Management certificate at Georgia Southwestern to acquire advanced skills for overseeing teams throughout project life cycles. This program empowers students with expertise in effective problem-solving and time management, ensuring successful project progress. Graduates gain confidence through hands-on experiences with industry-standard software and technology, providing a competitive edge in the business world. Explore diverse projects, enhancing your understanding of project leadership in various industries.

With a project management certificate, students will have a broader understanding of the specifics of leading projects in the business world. Graduates can find career opportunities such as:

  • Project Manager
  • Operations Scheduler
  • Healthcare Analyst
  • Logistician
  • Information Technology Project Manager
  • Project Management Specialist
  • Purchase Agent
  • Cost Estimator
  • Construction Manager
  • Consultant
  • Supply Chain Analyst


Program Details

A project management certificate serves as a robust foundation for diverse project-based business careers. Through dynamic coursework, students can anticipate:

  • Cultivating communication and interpersonal skills for effective leadership, task delegation, and project coordination, fostering a deeper understanding of team members' abilities
  • Grasping various project components, including scheduling, task delegation, and budgeting, aligned with strategic goals and timelines
  • Developing critical thinking and analytical decision-making abilities to navigate project challenges, continually evaluating to ensure the attainment of objectives and goals
  • Enhancing time management skills to meet goals and objectives within specified timeframes

Project Management Certification Options

Georgia Southwestern’s BBA in Project Management program meets the educational requirements for Project Management Professional (PMP) and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) certification. Graduates with significant project management experience likely qualify for PMP certification. Entry level graduates qualify for CAPM certification. Graduates holding the PMP or CAPM certification have increased salary potential and career opportunities. Through required courses, our dedicated faculty will prepare graduates for careers in project management by offering opportunities to complete internships and network with management professionals.


Undergraduate Certificate

Project Management

Business & Political Science Building


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