*Online option now available! Please contact CollegeofEducation@gsw.edu for more information.
Middle Schools serve a student population undergoing physical, intellectual, and psychological changes. Teachers prepared to meet the developmental needs of young adolescents are at the heart of the Middle School. The College of Education's Middle Grades program prepares teachers who understand the nature of the learner, create meaningful learning environments, empower students, collaborate with other teachers, and know the value of caring. The Middle Grades program prepares students to become responsive, knowledgeable, and capable teachers of adolescents.
Bachelor of Science in Education
Education Center
Rebecca Short
Associate Professor, Middle Grades Education
Ready to make a difference in a child's future?
Core curriculum requirements should be completed during the first two years of college study. Candidates must meet the General Core Curriculum requirements as established by the University
and the College of Education.
Admission to Teacher Education: Admission to Teacher Education is required for a candidate to enroll in all 3000-4000 level program courses. A grade of C or higher is required in each professional and teaching field course, and an institution grade point average of 2.75 is required for both Student Teaching and graduation.
The Middle Grades Education professional sequence enables candidates to develop understanding and competencies essential for teaching students in grades 4-8. Required Teaching Field Courses: Teaching field requirements are established by the College of Education. Major teaching field courses should be taken during the junior and senior years and must be completed prior to Student Teaching.
The Middle Grades Education program requires completion two concentration areas, each requiring a total of 15 semester hours of coursework. A minimum grade point average of 2.50 is required in each concentration area. The concentrations must be selected from the areas of Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Mathematics.
The following courses marked with an asterisk (*) are required when a candidate chooses thats pecific area for Concentration I or Concentration II. A grade of C or higher is required in each teaching field course. Major teaching field courses should be taken during the junior and senior years.
Language Arts: EDRG 3030*, ENGL 3100, ENGL 3010, ENGL 3220 or ENGL 4035, EDRG 4100 or 3 hour English elective.
Social Science: EDMG 4050*, and at least one course from each of the following areas: Regional Perspectives (HIST 4551, 4561, 3810), World Perspectives (HIST 4110, 4110, 4781, 4780, 4800, POLS 3205, 3210), US Government Perspective (POLS 3110, 4460, 4470, 4570), 3 hour Social Studies elective.
Science: EDMG 3060*, 4-hr science elective*, and at least two additional courses from the following: BIOL 3300, BIOL 3600, BIOL 3710, BIOL 4050,BIOL 4350, BIOL 4500, BIOL 4800,GEOL 3111, GEOL 3311, OR GEOL 3411.
Mathematics: EDMG 3100*, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3 hour Mathematics elective.
NOTE:Other courses in concentration may be approved where appropriate at the discretion of the advisor and the Programs Chair.