The College of Education offers programs leading to certification in secondary education in English, History, Mathematics, and Political Science. We also offer a P-12 program leading to certification in Music. These programs are organized to promote strong academic work in the content field along with certification course work and field experiences. The goal of these programs is to provide teacher candidates a degree in their academic discipline while promoting the knowledge, skills, and experiences that are prerequisites to effective instruction. The College of Education works hand-in-hand with the College of Arts and Sciences to coordinate these programs.
Candidates who plan to teach grades 6-12 must enroll in the appropriate secondary program. Requirements for each program are established jointly by the School of Education and the College of Arts and Sciences and respective departments. Candidates are assigned academic advisors from within the respective academic school or department and the College of Education. The College of Education plans and schedules courses in the professional sequence. All programs are designed to lead to eligibility for the initial teaching certificate in Georgia.
Candidates should be familiar with the basic requirements for all undergraduate teacher education programs listed previously, denoting requirements specifically for Teacher Education candidates. Changes in major program requirements must be approved in writing by the Dean of the College of Education and the dean of the appropriate academic school or college.
Bachelor of Science in Education
Education Center
Dr. Rachel L. Abbott
Dean and Associate Professor
Certifications are offered in English, History, Mathematics, Political Science, and Music.
Core Curriculum Requirements
Candidates must meet the General Core Curriculum requirements as established by the University for each Teacher Education program. A GPA of 2.5 or higher is required for courses used to meet General Core Curriculum requirements.This applies to course work taken at other institutions as well as at Çï¿ûÊÓƵ. Transfer students must meet the same core GPA requirements. Because of the several options in Teacher Education programs, the specific courses required in Area F of the core will vary from program to program. Candidates should take such courses only with the approval of the appropriate academic area advisor. COMM 1110, THEA 1110 or demonstrated competence in Speech is a requirement in all Teacher Education programs. COMM 1110 or THEA1110 may be taken in Area B to satisfy this requirement.
Admission to Teacher Education
Admission to Teacher Education is required for a candidate to enroll in all 3000- 4000 level program courses. A grade of C or higher is required in each professional and teaching field course, and an institution grade point average of 2.50 is required for both Student Teaching and graduation.
The professional sequence consists of twenty-six semester hours of professional education courses. Admission to Teacher Education is required for a candidate to enroll in all 3000-4000 level education courses including EDRG 3060, EDUC 3200, EDUC 4620, EDSC 4060, EDSC 4080, EDSC 4100, EDSC 4970, EDSC 4980, EDSC 4990, EDUC 4970, EDUC 4980, and EDUC 4990.
Teaching field requirements are established by the academic departments and the School of Education. A grade of C or higher is required in each course applied to a teaching field, and an institution grade point average of 2.75 is required for both Student Teaching and graduation. All teaching field courses in addition to required General Core Curriculum courses, Certification Core courses, and the professional sequence courses must be completed prior to Student Teaching. Specific requirements for English, history, mathematics, and music can be found in Arts and Sciences departmental information.
Program Goals
As established by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission and the National Council for Teachers of English, the English w/ Teacher Certification Program is committed to the following goals:
Attitudes for English Language Arts
In an historically enriched classroom students are challenged to grapple with real historical evidence, to interrogate primary sources, and to consider questions of bias and temporal context, all while learning how to draw conclusions and to contrast ‘lived history’ with ‘textbook history,’ to see that history is not simply a matter of presidents and generals but includes the experience of ordinary Americans. In such classrooms both teachers and students will realize that names and dates are only tools, not ends in themselves, and that such historical detail has a far better chance of finding its way into long-term memory if connected to history as a way of thinking, one that students find meaningful and engaging.
- (Cohen & Stoll, 2010, p. 2)
Cohen, R., & Stoll, M. (2010). Introduction. In D. Turk, R. Mattson, T. Epstein, & R. Cohen (Eds.), Teaching U.S. history: Dialogues among social studies teachers and historians. New York: Routledge.
One central concern of public education in the United States is to help prepare students for civic action and participation in civil society. As such, history education should play a foundational role in this process. History allows students to explore civic themes such as culture, power and authority, social and political organization, economic processes and distribution patters, and individual and collective development and identities. As a collaborative project between the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Education, the History w/ Teacher Certification program is designed to provide teacher candidates with a strong foundation in content knowledge, pedagogical skill, and school-based practice. As such, GSW students who choose to pursue History w/ Teacher Certification will receive a content degree in History from the College of Arts and Sciences as well as complete their certification coursework through the College of Education.
Program GoalsAs established by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission and the National Council for the Social Studies, the History w/ Teacher Certification Program is committed to graduating candidates who:
The Mathematics w/ Teacher Certification major is a collaborative program between the College of Education and the College of Arts and Sciences. As such, GSW students who choose to pursue Mathematics w/ Teacher Certification will receive a content degree in Mathematics from the College of Arts and Sciences as well as complete their certification coursework through the College of Education. The mission of this program is to provide each candidate a strong foundation in content knowledge, pedagogical skill, and school-based practice.
Program GoalsAs established by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission and the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics, the Mathematics w/ Teacher Certification Program is committed to graduating candidates who:
The Music w/ Teacher Certification major is a collaborative program between the College of Education and the College of Arts and Sciences. As such, GSW students who choose to pursue Music w/ Teacher Certification will receive a content degree in Music from the College of Arts and Sciences as well as complete their certification coursework through the College of Education. The mission of this program is to provide each candidate with a strong foundation in content knowledge, pedagogical skills, and school-based practice.
Program GoalsAs established by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission and the National Association of Schools of Music, the Music w/ Teacher Certification Program is committed to the following goals:
The campus is very beautiful. Also, it is very affordable, and it is only an hour and a half from my hometown.