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Bachelor of Science in Education

Special Education

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Special Education

**Online option now available for paraprofessionals! Please contact CollegeofEducation@gsw.edu for more information.

A degree in Special Education qualifies an individual for professional opportunities in public schools and other settings concerned with meeting the needs of individuals with disabilities and leads students to Georgia T-4 certification in Special Education. As the need for Special Education professionals increases, the program seeks to produce highly qualified graduates to fill the high-demand in Georgia and throughout the nation.

The Special Education program requires the completion of a concentration in Reading. Courses that are taken to satisfy this requirement include: EDRG 3020, EDRG 3160, EDRG 3260, EDRG 3280, and EDRG 3060.


Program Curriculum

Admission Requirements

Students applying for the Special Education program should meet the following requirements:

  • Core Curriculum Requirements - Core Curriculum requirements should be completed during the first two years of college study. Candidates must meet the General Core Curriculum requirements as established by the University and the College of Education.
  • Admission to Teacher Education - Admission to Teacher Education is required for a candidate to enroll in all 3000- 4000 level program courses. A grade of C or higher is required in each professional and teaching field course, and an institution grade point average of 2.50 is required for both Student Teaching and graduation.

Required Teaching Field Courses

Teaching Field requirements are established by the College of Education. Major teaching field courses should be taken during the junior and senior years. Teaching field courses, including the Special Education Block, must be completed prior to Student Teaching.

Special Education Block

All candidates seeking initial certification in Special Education are required to complete the Special Education Block prior to Student Teaching. The Special Education Block is a full-time experience of course work and internship. Candidates spend approximately 20 hours per week as interns serving special education students public schools under the supervision of master teachers. Additionally, they are enrolled in university course work on campus.

Undergraduate Program

Bachelor of Science in Education

Education Center

Michele McKie, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor, Special Education & Assessment Director

Faculty & Staff

Student Resources


I fell in love with the campus scenery and the fact that GSW was a lot of my previous teachers' alma mater helped me to choose GSW. It gave me the "home away from home" that I needed to enhance my college experience.

Kristina Wynn Special Education
Leesburg, Georgia