GSW's College of Nursing and Health Sciences offers an excellent opportunity for a select number of exceptional high school students accepted to GSW who are interested in the BSN Program. High school seniors are eligible to apply to GAP.
GAP assures eligible students a place in our BSN program, providing they meet the required benchmarks during the program. GAP students are considered an important part of the pre-nursing program and as such are invited to join in activities held by GSWANS (GSW Association of Nursing Students). GSWANS is a great way to get to know your fellow students and faculty. The College of Nursing and Health Sciences also hosts a special meet and greet reception to help GAP students assimilate into nursing at GSW.
Admission to GSW's BSN program is extremely competitive across the country. Students who choose to begin their college career at GSW are given the opportunity to apply for the GAP. Selection will be determined using high school GPA, SAT/ACT scores, and two references. GAP students are given priority over any other applicants.
GAP application priority deadlines are March 1st and April 1st. Apply early to improve your chances are being part of this limited program.
To qualify for the Guaranteed Acceptance Program, students must:
Applicants must have a Freshman Index (FIND) of 2300 or greater OR a 3.25 GPA to be eligible for GAP. Freshman Index is calculated using GPA and SAT/ACT scores. The formulas to determine the student’s FIND are:
Students admitted into University College using ACCUPLACER scores are not eligible for consideration for the GAP.
School of Nursing
Health & Human Science Complex
Carter I
Priority deadlines for GAP are March 1 and April 1. Make sure to apply early!
Don't Miss the Deadline!
While completing the core curriculum at GSW, GAP students will be advised by a professional nursing advisor. This gives the student a mentor and helps them navigate the core so that they are on track for entrance to the College of Nursing and Health Sciences for the fall admission cycle.
In order to continue consideration as a GAP student, students must:
High school seniors admitted to GSW as Beginning Freshmen who do not meet the GAP requirements or who are denied admission to the GAP Program will still be listed as “pre-nursing” majors and may apply to the College of Nursing and Health Sciences during their sophomore year at GSW.