admissions@gsw.edu 877-871-4594
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The is offered for students seeking admission to GSW as University College Freshmen, Dual Enrollment students, and Non-Traditional Freshmen. University College and Non-Traditional students taking courses on-campus must meet the minimum required Admit Scores and may exempt learning support with the required Exit Scores, unless their program otherwise requires learning support. Dual Enrollment and online-only Freshmen applicants MUST meet the required Exit Scores to be admitted.

Students must submit an admission application to GSW before . Students may also request for ACCUPLACER scores to be submitted to the Office of Recruitment and Admissions from other approved institutions. If scores are submitted from another institution, scores submitted must include the exact ACCUPLACER sections listed below in order for the student to be able to be considered for admission, and the test must have been taken within the preceding 12 months.

Testing preparation materials can be found at . Students must have a picture ID in order to test. 

Online or Remote ACCUPLACER Exam
Students may take the ACCUPLACER using , a secure online proctoring service that allows students to test from home, through a scheduled appointment. Students also may select a testing center near their home, rather than traveling to Americus to test. There is a $28 fee for using . A remote testing center will also charge a fee that normally ranges from $15 to $30. The student is responsible for paying these fees to the appropriate testing service.



Students may only take the ACCUPLACER test twice per admission cycle, unless additional testing is approved by the Office of Recruitment and Admissions or First-Year Experience.


Accuplacer Test

David Jenkins
Dual Enrollment Testing Contact
Canes Central | Room: 216


Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm

Required ACCUPLACER Scores

Minimum Admit Scores for Accuplacer Test Scores Needed to Exit Learning Support

Next Gen: Reading Comprehension/Reading: 216

Next Gen: Reading Comprehension/Reading: 237

WritePlacer:  3 or higher

WritePlacer:  4 or higher

Next Gen: Elementary Algebra/Quantitative Reasoning: 212 Next Gen: Elementary Algebra/Quantitative Reasoning: 258
*Score required for College Algebra: 266

ACCUPLACER Study Preparation

Testing preparation materials are available to help you prepare for the ACCUPLACER entrance exam. Students will test in the following sections:

  • Next–Generation Reading
  • WritePlacer
  • Next–Generation Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics

  • Access the to complete practices test in the format like the ACCUPLACER test. You will receive immediate feedback on your practice test performance!
  • Visit for more tips and tricks for the exam.
  • Access the to complete practices test in the format like the ACCUPLACER test. You will receive immediate feedback on your practice test performance!
  • Prepare with sample questions for each ACCUPLACER section.
  • Review the to understand your scores.