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Immunization Submittal Process

All registered students must submit immunization records in order to be immunization compliant. Status is verified on a semester by semester basis, and your status can be found within RAIN.

The Office of Student Health and Counseling Services uses Med+Proctor to collect and certify immunization information. This partnership allows students to upload immunization records and streamline the immunization approval process. This free service does allow the option to purchase a membership providing lifetime access to immunization data. The following vaccines are required for all students taking classes on campus:

  • MMR: 2 doses required
  • Hepatitis B: 3 doses required (students 18 and under)
  • Varicella: 2 doses required or documented history of chickenpox
  • TDAP: 1 dose required within the last 10 years

All students must submit immunization records and do so by uploading the appropriate documents to the Med+Proctor site or emailing the records to health@gsw.edu. Students may use the official GSW Immunization Form or records received from a doctor or local health department. Students taking only online courses or requesting an exemption should submit the GSW Immunization Form to Med+Proctor after completing the appropriate information on that form. Steps for submitting required documents using Med+Proctor are below. For assistance with the Med+Proctor website and immunization upload, students are encouraged utilize the "Chat Now" tool within the  website. You may also contact GSW Health Services at 229-931-2235 or health@gsw.edu

New Students WITHOUT CanesNet Credentials
(Primarily new Freshmen, Dual Enrollment, and Graduate students.)
  1. Visit  and click "Register for A New Account." New Freshmen and Dual Enrollment students who have not yet received a school email address should use a personal email account. You will have to have your  to complete the registration process.
  2. Complete any required personal, medical or insurance information and upload required immunization forms. Make sure forms are complete and legible. Only students wanting to have lifetime access to their immunization records using the Med+Proctor website are required to pay a fee. Students will receive an email confirmation once forms are reviewed. Students may return to their account, if needed, to submit additional documents.
New Students WITH CanesNet Credentials
(Primarily new Transfer, 2nd Degree, and Post-Bac students who have completed the online orientation.)
  1. Visit the  and use your CanesNet credentials to log-in.
  2. Complete any required personal, medical or insurance information and upload required immunization forms. Make sure forms are complete and legible. Only students wanting to have lifetime access to their immunization records using the Med+Proctor website are required to pay a fee. Students will receive an email confirmation once forms are reviewed. Students may return to their account, if needed, to submit additional documents.