All registered students must submit immunization records in order to be immunization compliant. Status is verified on a semester by semester basis, and your status can be found within RAIN.
The Office of Student Health and Counseling Services uses Med+Proctor to collect and certify immunization information. This partnership allows students to upload immunization records and streamline the immunization approval process. This free service does allow the option to purchase a membership providing lifetime access to immunization data. The following vaccines are required for all students taking classes on campus:
All students must submit immunization records and do so by uploading the appropriate documents to the Med+Proctor site or emailing the records to Students may use the official GSW Immunization Form or records received from a doctor or local health department. Students taking only online courses or requesting an exemption should submit the GSW Immunization Form to Med+Proctor after completing the appropriate information on that form. Steps for submitting required documents using Med+Proctor are below. For assistance with the Med+Proctor website and immunization upload, students are encouraged utilize the "Chat Now" tool within the website. You may also contact GSW Health Services at 229-931-2235 or