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E39 semester hours must be upper division work at the 3000-4000 level.NAMEADVISOR GA HISTORY GA CONSTITUTION UNIV 1000 US HISTORYUS CONSTITUTIONgswID# Comments: Completed by:Date: (Activity) Effective Catalog Year:List AList BList C BIOL 1107L BIOL 1107CIS 2000 BIOL 1108L BIOL 1108CIS 2100 BIOL 1500 CSCI 1301C CHEM 1211 CSCI 1302 CHEM 1211L CHEM 1212 CSCI 2100 CHEM 1212L GEOL 1211 CSCI 2500 GEOL 1221 MATH 1113 PHYS 1221 MATH 1120 PHYS 1222 MATH 2204 PHYS 1112 PSYC 1102 PHYS 2211 PHYS 2212 SOSC 1101 GEOG 1101Lab (if CHEM or BIOL)B.A. in ENGLISHFree Elective PEDS 1010 Lifetime FitnessPEDS 2000 CPR/First AidPEDS+THIS MAJOR REQUIRES A MINOR OR CERTIFICATE. CHEM 1020 GEOL 1142ENGL 3220 Advanced Composition Required for all English majors:Choose an area of study:Ufor the B.A. with Teacher Certification if they want to be certified at a later date.!ENGL 4965 Senior Capstone Seminar*Foreign Language 2001*Foreign Language 2002VAny of the upper-level British or American Lit courses will fulfill the English B.A. oHours earned to fulfill PE requirements and UNIV 1000 cannot be used to meet the 120 hours needed for a degree. Earned at:!UNIVERSITY POLICIES AND PRACTICESPrior Degree/ Major:ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS**ENGL ElectiveF**Major required English elective courses must be 3000 level or above.I*Area F: Foreign Language must be intermediate level beyond RHSC (CPC). xMinor, certificate, and/or electives must include a minimum total of 9 semester hours of 3000 level or above coursework.,***Minor or Certificate Required (15-18 hrs)-NOTE: Required Courses for Literature OptionLrequirements in this area. Students are encouraged to study the requirements)***Minor, Certificate, and Elective Hours3foreign language or prerequisites to major courses./ENGL 3100 Intro to Literary and Cultural TheoryBritish Lit (pre 1785)British Lit (post 1785)Physical Education (4 hrs)Additional Requirements ENGL 2150"ENGL 2111,2112,2121,2122,2131,2132)ENGL 3240 Tech Writ or ENGL 3270: Reports(ENGL 4300: Risk or ENGL 4310 Comm in Org)ENGL 4025 Teach and Tut or ENGL 4035 Rhet%ENGL 4070 Editing or ENGL 4360: Style6SOCI 1200(3), SOSC 1101(3), THEA 1110(3), WGSS 2001(3)ENGL 4120 or ENGL 4800$ENGL 3510, 3520, 4200, 4210, or 4220ENGL 3410, 3420, or 4230Free Electives (6-10 hrs)ENGL 3250, 3260, 3375, or 3385%General Option (Fully Online) (18hrs)ENGL 4120 or 4800American LiteratureBritish Literature$ENGL 4070 Editing or ENGL 4360 Style(ENGL 3240 Tech Writ or ENGL 3270 ReportsMajor Core (18 hrs)Literature Option (18 hrs)$Professional Writing Option (18 hrs) 2024-2025% Institutional Priority (4-5 credits)#Select 4 - 5 hours from list below:*CIS 1000(3), COMM 1110 (3), ENGL 2200(3), ;Foreign Lang (2000 level)(3), HIST 2600 (2), HIST 2800(3), 9INTL 2000 (1-3), LEAD 2020(2), LIBR 1101(2),POLS 2401(3),: Math & Quantitative Reasoning (3 credits; min grade of C)*MATH 1001, 1101, 1111, 1113, 1120, or 1401*Political Science & US History (6 credits) POLS 1101 American Government" HIST 2111 or 2112 US Hist I or II$Art, Humanities & Ethics (6 credits)" ARTC 1100, MUSC 1100 or THEA 11001Written Communication (6 credits; min grade of C) ENGL 1101 ENGL 1102" Tech, Science & Math (10 hrs min)Optional Lab (if CHEM or BIOL)Social Science (6 credits)! SOCI 1101, PSYC 1101, ECON 2105, Field of Study (18 hrs)>English majors must select the literature classes not selectedDin Art, Humanites & Ethics to complete the three course requirement.Minimum grade of "C" required in Math & Quantitative Reasoning, Written Communication, Field of Study, and all major courses. kIf MATH 1120 is taken in Math & Quantitative Reasoning, the extra hour earned will count in Free Electives.Hours from Institutional Priority plus hours from Tech, Science & Math must equal 15 hours. If more than 15 hours are earned, the extra hours will count in Free Electives.5Minimum grade of "C" required in all English courses.ZSelect Field of Study elective course from lower level literature, humanities, fine arts, IMPACTS CORE: 60 HOURS Course OptionsENGL 2110, 2120 or 2130 HIST 1111, HIST 1112 Lab Science - ! 2 Tech, Science & Math Courses -O OoPcP!QQwQkR_1S%TVWY Y Z \v ],` cc PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VѠԯٴ++2a,/$nECA6٥D-ʵ? dXiJF8,nx (MKoP(\HbWϿ})zg'8yV#x'˯?oOz3?^?O?~B,z_=yǿ~xPiL$M>7Ck9I#L nꎊ)f><|HL|3.ŅzI2O.&e>Ƈ8qBۙ5toG1sD1IB? }J^wi(#SKID ݠ1eBp{8yC]$f94^c>Y[XE>#{Sq c8 >;-&~ ..R(zy s^Fvԇ$*cߓqrB3' }'g7t4Kf"߇ފAV_] 2H7Hk;hIf;ZX_Fڲe}NM;SIvưõ[H5Dt(?]oQ|fNL{d׀O&kNa4%d8?L_H-Ak1h fx-jWBxlB -6j>},khxd׺rXg([x?eޓϲكkS1'|^=aѱnRvPK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 0_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!0ktheme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]  ZO  zItݔ  dMbP?_*+%&333333?'?()MnHewlett-Packard HP LaserJet P2C odXXLetter GIS4DINU"tmj SMTJ{B28A23B7-4F1C-478B-83A0-29D91AC209F0}InputBinDefaultRESDLLUniresDLLDuplexNONEDocumentNUp1CollateONPaperSizeLETTEROrientationPORTRAITResolution600x600MediaTypeAUTOV4DM"^XX(\?)\(?&(U} } } $} } m} I} } $} } } I} I} } $} m Fz,@,@;@@ @@@@@ @ @ @  @ @ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@ G5GGGGHHH _: H WWSSSSSS   S  SSS WW SSSSSSI  T  UU  Vm V X^^^^^^^  X YYYY n O O P  j   O  O  P %o&&&&&&'  2> 3UU \]]]/     J ~  D@  N ()))*     eJ a~  D@  N dpeeefD  eJ a~  D@  N +q ,,,-D g= u~ f@  _r ```aD gS ~ f@  +^ ,,,-J ^A ~ T@ T  s  O O P  ? 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