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Currency [0]/Explanatory TextB5Explanatory Text 0 : Followed Hyperlink 1Good6Good  a2 Heading 1B Heading 1 I}O3 Heading 2B Heading 2 I}?4 Heading 3B Heading 3 I}235 Heading 44 Heading 4 I}6( Hyperlink 7InputpInput ̙ ??v 8 Linked CellF Linked Cell } 9Neutral<Neutral  e"Normal :Normal 2 ;Normal 37Normal 3 % <Normal 47Normal 4 % =Noteb Note   >OutputrOutput  ???????????? ????$Percent @Title1Title I}% ATotalHTotal OOB Warning Text: Warning Text XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight168dq:F3ffff̙̙3f3fff3f3f33333f33333\`h BBA Marketing!  =::  ;L8ndHrsTermGrade Additional Requirements& MAJOR/ELECTIVE REQUIREMENTS: 60 HOURSAA minimum of 120 semester hours must be completed for graduation. E39 semester hours must be upper division work at the 3000-4000 level.NAMEADVISOR GA HISTORY GA CONSTITUTION UNIV 1000 US HISTORYUS CONSTITUTIONgswID# Comments:Date: (Activity) PEDS # MGNT 3600 Principles of Management BUSA 3050 Business Statistics" BUSA 3060 Quantitative Management BUSA 3150 Business Finance" MKTG 3800 Principles of Marketing" ACCT 2101 Accounting Principles I# ACCT 2102 Accounting Principles II' ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics' ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics POLS 1101 American Government PEDS 1010 Lifetime Fitness PEDS 2000 CPR/First Aid" HIST 2111 or 2112 US Hist I or II Earned at:Effective Catalog Year:Lab (if CHEM or BIOL)B.B.A. in MARKETING MKTG 4800 Personal Selling!UNIVERSITY POLICIES AND PRACTICESADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS* MGNT 3650 Intro to International Business( BUSA 2010 Microcomputer App in Business& BUSA 2106 The Environment of BusinessEffective Fall 2014:%BUSA 2106 is equivalent to BUSA 3106.%BUSA 3105 is equivalent to BUSA 2105.$ BUSA 3105 Communications in Bus EnvMHours earned to fulfill PE requirements and UNIV 1000 cannot be used to meet "the 120 hours needed for a degree.TRANS EVAL Completed by: MKTG 4820 Consumer Behavior" MKTG 4830 Marketing Communication MKTG 4890 Marketing Management MKTG 4910 Marketing ResearchPrior Degree/ Major: Select Two:" ARTC 1100, MUSC 1100 or THEA 1100   Approved Marketing Course Approved Business CourseDthe School of Business Administration undergraduate programs must be@completed at GSW. Students are considered PACT, PHRM, PMGT, or CPMKT until the SoBA Request to Declare Undergraduate Major form is Bsubmitted and all requirements have been met. See SoBA website. H * MGNT 4190 should be taken after completing BUSA 3050, BUSA 3150, MGNT 3600 and MKTG 3800.Physical Education (4 hrs)Business Core (24 hrs)Major (27 hrs) Free Electives (9 hrs)"*MGNT 4190 Strategic Mgnt-CAPSTONE6SOCI 1200(3), SOSC 1101(3), THEA 1110(3), WGSS 2001(3) 2024-2025% Institutional Priority (4-5 credits)#Select 4 - 5 hours from list below:*CIS 1000(3), COMM 1110 (3), ENGL 2200(3), ;Foreign Lang (2000 level)(3), HIST 2600 (2), HIST 2800(3), 9INTL 2000 (1-3), LEAD 2020(2), LIBR 1101(2),POLS 2401(3),: Math & Quantitative Reasoning (3 credits; min grade of C)*Political Science & US History (6 credits)$Art, Humanities & Ethics (6 credits)1Written Communication (6 credits; min grade of C) ENGL 1101 ENGL 1102" Tech, Science & Math (10 hrs min)Optional Lab (if CHEM or BIOL)Social Science (6 credits) Field of Study (18 hrs)AMinimum grade of "C" required in Business Core and Major courses.CAt least 50% of the semester credit hours in business required for Minimum grade of "C" required in Math & Quantitative Reasoning, Written Communication, Field of Study, and all major courses. kIf MATH 1120 is taken in Math & Quantitative Reasoning, the extra hour earned will count in Free Electives.Hours from Institutional Priority plus hours from Tech, Science & Math must equal 15 hours. If more than 15 hours are earned, the extra hours will count in Free Electives.IMPACTS CORE: 60 HOURS Course Options ENGL 2110, 2120 or 2130 HIST 1111, HIST 1112*MATH 1001, 1101, 1111, 1113, 1120, or 1401 Lab Science - ! 2 Tech, Science & Math Courses -! 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