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Under ?the new transfer articulation guidelines, transfer work will noNAMEADVISORgswID# Effective Catalog Year:Additional Requirements:POLS 4470 American Presidency18 Hours$POLS 4760 American Political ThoughtMUSC 3131 Pop Music and CultureAmerican Studies CertificateRequired Course (3 hours)#AMST 2001 Intro to American Studies$ARHS 3090 Pre-Columbian Mex-Meso ArtENGL 3410 Southern Literature$ENGL 3510 Modern American Literature*ENGL 3520 Contemporary American Literature#ENGL 4200 Early American Literature-ENGL 4210 Romanticism and American Literature)ENGL 4220 Realism and American Literature HIST 3770 Black American History"HIST 3570 Civil War-ReconstructionHIST 3810 History of GeorgiaHIST 4540 US History, 1877-1920"HIST 4551 US History, 1920 to 1945"HIST 4560 American Popular CultureHIST 4561 US Social History#HIST 4562 History of American Women'MUSC 3190 Music History: American Music&POLS 4100 Amer Pol Parties- Int Groups!POLS 4460 The Legislative ProcessPOLS 4570 Constitutional Law IPOLS 4580 Constitutional Law II!POLS 4690 American Foreign PolicyApproved Courses (3-6 hrs)Advisor Signature DateNMinimum grade of "C" in all courses used to meet requirements of certificate. Admission & Course RequirementsRCourses which are not listed must be approved by the American Studies Coordinator.Degree/ Major: Earned at: Comments: Completed by:Date:American Studies Coordinator%ENGL 3420 African-American LiteratureHIST 2500 The Study of HistoryHIST 4563 History of Sexuality"MUSC 1150 History of Rock and RollMUSC 3020 Music in FilmMUSC 4114 Video Game MusicMUSC 4242 History of Jazz 2024-2025HIST 2800 The African Diaspora HIST 4605 Colonial Latin AmericaHIST 4606 Modern Latin AmericaPOLS 4730 Religion and PoliticsSOCI 4417 Gender and Society(SOCI 3319 Sociology of Paranormal BeliefSOCI 2293 Sociology of FamilyEach Student will submit a portfolio to the program coordinator one semester prior to the semester the student plans to graduate. The portfolio must contain work representing a progression from AMST 2001 to certificate completion. Select one (3 hours)!HIST 2111 United States History I"HIST 2112 United States History II#SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology;non-HIST/non-ENGL course, and one course of any designation>that focuses on race, ethnicity, gender, or sexuality in a US @context (ARHS 3090, ENGL 3420 or 4230, HIST 2800, 3770, 4562, or74563, MUSC 4242, SOCI 3309, 4411, or 4417) (12 credits)5ENGL 4230 Multiethnic Literature of the United StatesHIST 4500 Capstone SeminarSOCI 3309 Human Sexuality*'SOCI 4411 Race and Minority Relations**Z* prerequisite: SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology OR PSYC 1101 Introduction to Sociology6** prerequisite: SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology =Choose four, including one HIST course, one ENGL course, one Z9 2::1<N=o>}? ]@HAAC D ccB ZO _KX%dk  dMbP?_*+%&333333?'?(333333?)q= ףp?MnHewlett-Packard HP LaserJet P2C odLetter GIS4DINU"tmj SMTJ{B28A23B7-4F1C-478B-83A0-29D91AC209F0}InputBinDefaultRESDLLUniresDLLDuplexNONEDocumentNUp1CollateONPaperSizeLETTEROrientationPORTRAITResolution600x600MediaTypeAUTOV4DM"c(\?)\(?&(U} @} @}  @} @} I @} IC} C} C} @} I @} @} C} C} $C} @} @_,@,@;@;@!@x@ @@@ @  @ @  @ @@@@@@ @0@@@@@@@@@ @0@@     K A    :   " "cccccccccccccc  N N OB   ~ ^@ _`B  * C B D ~ a@ WB B E ~ a@ WB F ~ a@ WB Q B G B H B I B J B ~ a@bWB ~ a@bWB 3~ a@bWBlllll ~ a@ bWB  + ~ a@ bWB  , ~ a@bWB ~ a@bWB ~ a@bWB K~ a@bWB 4~ a@bWB ;~ R@QSB ~ R@QSB ~ @QSBMMMMM ~ @ QSB  - mnop L~ T@QSBqrst D8 l2F\2&&t^2^HH22222HHH^^HHHHHHHH^ @!@"@#@$@%@&@'@ (@)@*@+@,@-@.@/@0@1@2@3@4@5@6@7@8@9@:@ ;@<@=@ >@?@  ~ T@ QSBuvwwx !!~ !U@ !QSB ! u.! yrsz ""~ "U@"QSBuv{{| ##~ #U@ #QSB # u/# }rs| $ $~ $U@$QSBu~{{ %5%~ %U@%QSBuqqz &<&~ &U@ &QSB & u0& y & 1 & z '='~ 'U@'QSB (6(~ (U@(QSB )7)~ )U@)QSB}}Gi **~ *T@*QSBddddd +!+~ +R@ +VWB + e( + ef + g)+  ,8,~ ,R@,VWBeehi -9-~ -R@-VWBedddd .".~ .R@ .VWB . j2 . kf . k). k /#/~ /R@ /VWB / @@@ 0 0~ 0U@ 0XYB 0 @@@ 1$1~ 1U@ 1XYB 1 @@@ 2%2~ 2U@ 2XYB 2 @@@ 3&3~ 3U@ 3XYB 3 @@@ 4>4~ 4U@ 4ZPB 4 D4 D 5 5~ 5U@5XYBDD 6A6~ 6U@ 6QSB 6 D6 D 7M7~ 7U@7QSBDD 8@8~ 8U@8QSBL 8 @@ 9N9~ 9U@9QSJI 9 @@@ :?:~ :U@ :QS : @@@ ;'; ; @@@ <UXY < @@@ =[\] = @@@ >@O > @@@ ?@P ? @@@ D lH^H^HHrHHHHrHHrNNNNNVBVBNPL6**@@A@B@C@D@E@F@G@H@I@J@K@L@M@N@O@P@Q@R@Sf@T@U@VW@X@Y@Z@[@\@]@^ @@@@ @ @@@ AJI A@@ A @@@ BJI B@@ B @@@ CJI C@@ C @@@ DJI D@@ D @@@ EJI E@@ E @@@ FJI F@@ F @@@ GJI G@@ G @@@ HJI H@@ H @@@ IB ICC I@@ I @@@ JB JCC J@@ J @@@ KB KCC K@@ K @@@ LB LCC L@@ L @@@ MB MCC M@@ M @@@ NB NCC N@@ N @@@ OB OCC O@@ O @@@ PB PCC P@@ P @@@ QB QCC Q@@BRB RCC R@@BSB SCC S@@BTB TCC T@@UB UCC U@@UF UFVH VFFE WFFXG XGXC YFF ZGGC [FF \GGC]F ^CCCBX ,,,,,,,,66666666(((&>" ><d*E4411,,--<<    '' 77     ==55++00** ;;    ::22!! //))((..66889933""$$##&&%%7 Sheet1ll ggDhLh+/*Range2h4h Range1 Oh+'0HP\t GSWErin ChapmanMicrosoft Excel@Xx=@lT$@["h? ՜.+,0  PXx  GSW State University Minor Accounting'Minor Accounting'!Print_Area  Worksheets Named Ranges  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345679:;<=>?ABCDEFGRoot Entry FpDWorkbookoSummaryInformation(8DocumentSummaryInformation8@