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Warning Text: Warning Text XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight16`\QEuropean Union Studies?8HrsTermGradeNAMEADVISORgswID# Comments: Completed by:Date: Earned at:Effective Catalog Year:D DTW"EUROPEAN UNION STUDIES CERTIFICATEThesisAdmission Requirements:Foreign Lang 3000 or aboveMultidisciplinary Menu:6Students must have earned 30 semester hours of credit.DStudents will receive the EU Certificate with Distinction by earningDegree/ Major:-Select 3 courses from the list below (9 hrs) @EURO 4130, 4160, 4230, 4260, 4330, 4430, 4530, 4630, 4730, 4760Required Courses (15 hrs)$EURO 4830 EU Studies Capstone Course Practicum15 Hours MinimumOptional Practicum ExperienceType of Experience: Location:Dates:Credit Hours Earned:Optional ThesisTitle:!Director (Institution/Discipline)*Committee Member (Institution/Discipline) Disciplineq** Thesis committee members can be from any program institution and must represent at least two discipline areas.<POLS 3200/EURO 3234 requires a minimum grade of C or higher.$POLS 3200 Introduction to the EU OR"" EURO 3234 Introduction to the EU4Areas of Distinction - Optional (6 additional hours)'Areas of Distinction (6 Additional Hrs)"Select from the following (6 hrs):Campus Representative:Date Form Last Updated:Certificate Awarded:5Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 .8credit in 6 additional hours as listed in the box below.72401 prior to acceptance in the EU Certificate Program.<Students must have credit for HIST 1111, HIST 1112, or POLS 3.0 Minimum Program GPAPOLS 3200 has to be completed only once for program requirements. *Students must complete three courses from an approved menu of courses dealing substantially with the EU. These courses must be distributed among at least two disciplines: Social Sciences, Fine Arts and Humanities, Business and Economics, and Natural and Health Sciences. The program's campus representative decides which courses qualify for the certificate. No more than one course can be taken at the 1000-2000 level, with the exception of EU Studies online courses and study abroad. Students may substitute for up to two menu courses by performing an internship and/or composing a thesis. 2024-2025:G @HWHIJKLccB ZO ;r~ڄ  dMbP?_*+%&?'?(?)?M HP LaserJet 400 M401 PCL 6|C odXXLetterDINU"X EMX SMTJH HP LaserJet 400 M401 PCL 6InputBinFORMSOURCERESDLLUniresDLLHPDocUISUITrueESPRITSupportedTrueHPPCompositeUSBGetSerialNumberhppdvq01.dll_getDeviceSerialNumberWHPPInstallTimeConfighppdvq01.dll_getDevicePPMDuplexerWHPPCompositeUSBFilehppdvq01.dll_getDeviceSerialNumber_getDevicePPMDuplexerResolution600dpiFastResTrueDuplexNONEOrientationPORTRAITHPOrientRotate180FalsePaperSizeLETTERMediaTypeAUTOEMFSpoolingforPLSwoMopierTrueCollateOFFHPMediaTypeTreeviewPopupTrueColorModeMonoEconomodeFalseTextAsBlackFalseTTAsBitmapsSettingTTModeOutlineAlternateLetterHeadFalseJPEGEnableAutoHPEnableGrafitCompressionTrueHPRequestObjectTagDumpFalseHPRequestNullStripCommandFalseHPHybridRenderSwitchHPHybridAutoHPPaperSizeALMConstraintsA5PrintQualityGroupPQGroup_2HPDocPropResourceDatahpchl117.cabHPColorModeMONOCHROME_MODEHPPDLTypePDL_PCL6HPPJLEncodingUTF8HPJobAccountingHPJOBACCT_JOBACNT_GROUPNAMEHPBornOnDateHPBODHPJobByJobOverrideJBJOHPXMLFileUsedhpcm4016.xmlHPLpiSelection156lpiHPEnableObjectTaggingTrueHPReverseScanLinesForDuplexFALSEHPEnablePageTimerFalseHPEnableNullStripsTrueHPEnableEfficientMonoFALSEHPEnableImageProcessingPathFALSEHPMonochromePrinterTRUEHPCallToWritePrinterRequiredTRUEHPMemoryManagerTrueHPGetCompressionRatioValue17MaxStripHeight64HPGetByteAlignedValueForWidth256HPGetDeltaRowHalfToneValue1HPManualDuplexDialogItemsInstructionID_01_FACEDOWN-NOROTATEHPPCL6PassThroughTrueHPSmartDuplexSinglePageJobTrueHPSmartDuplexOddPageJobTrueHPManualFeedOrientationFACEDOWNHPOutputBinOrientationFACEDOWNHPManualDuplexDialogModelModelessHPManualDuplexPageOrderEvenPagesFirstHPMapManualFeedToTray1TrueHPManualDuplexPageRotateDriverRotateHPPrintOnBothSidesManuallyFalseHPNUseDiffFirstPageChoiceTRUEHPPageExceptionsFileHPCPE117HPPageExceptionsLowEndHPPageExceptionsLowEndVerHPPageExceptionsInterfaceShowPageExceptionsHPPageExceptionsCoverInsertionHPPngPassthroughTruePSAlignmentFileHPCLS117HPSmartHub_OnlinediagnostictoolsTRUEHPSmartHub_SupportandtroubleshootingTRUEHPSmartHub_ProductmanualsTRUEHPSmartHub_CheckfordriverupdatesTRUEHPSmartHubInet_SID_263_BID_514_HID_265HPConsumerCustomPaperTrueHPMHDLLNameHPFIE117HPPreAnalysisTrueIUPH!xNAo[Ch4!rRzA7DH@#1k#]BM[h_GЗj],Χ-g kYY0ug]enQz7Z`oD5*븆g䭱 KK%`Cv0\sBӬ4j[jk͆;!r~:sVUV~.!94m(QX9T\//zr_<d@B !     &&   ""      7 Sheet1ll ggDhDhRange2h4h Range1 Oh+'0HP\t GSWKrista SmithMicrosoft Excel@@lT$@Y( ՜.+,0 PXx  GSW State University European Union Studies  Worksheets  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCEFGHIJKMNOPQRSRoot Entry FWorkbook3SummaryInformation(DDocumentSummaryInformation8L