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Non-XSCI majors may meet Anatomy and Physiology prerequisite requirements by passing a challenge exam.BAcceptance and admission to Ƶ.Admission Requirements: 2024-2025"8 8pT9A:ccB ZO &sBLM  dMbP?_*+%,&?'?(?)?MnHewlett-Packard HP LaserJet P2C odXXLetter GIS4DINU"tmj SMTJ{B28A23B7-4F1C-478B-83A0-29D91AC209F0}InputBinDefaultRESDLLUniresDLLDuplexNONEDocumentNUp1CollateONPaperSizeLETTEROrientationPORTRAITResolution600x600MediaTypeAUTOV4DM"d333333?333333?&<3U} } $ } m} $} m} $} m } m} $&@@@@@@ @0@@ @ @ @  @ @ @0@@ @@ @,@,@,,@ @J@@@ @ @@@@AAAAAAAAA uB>  u uXC      "BBVVVVVVCUUUWW    D D EF  w xxxy z{{{n~ r@ opF  } ~~~ z{{{n~ r@opF z {{{n~ r@ opF  F z {{{n~ r@ opF z {{{n~ r@ opFvvvvv  F>>??? z{{{|~ G@ HIF  w xxxy z{{{|~ J@ KLF  } ~~~  F z{{{|~ J@KLFvvvvv ~ m@STFOOPPP kkkkklllF  Y \\]^ ">>MFZ_``a >>>>>???F  Z bbcd "OOOOOPPPFZ_``e OOOOOPPPF  Z  bbcd "OOOOOPPPqZ_``e "OOOOOPPPqZbbcd R N>>>???Q[fggh R N>>>???Q  s  t  t  ij Q>>??? 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