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Advisors may obtain copies of transcripts from NAMEADVISORgswID# Comments: Completed by:Date: Earned at:Effective Catalog Year:GRABCD FATBTCTDTW+12 Hours must be at the 3000 level or aboveRequired Course (3 hrs)Additional Courses (9-12 hrs)Approved Courses (3-6 hrs)History of American WomenFamily Violence SOCI 4417 HIST 4562 ENGL 4930Special Topics in Women's Lit 18 Hours Degree/ Major:Advisor Signature SOCI 4350 HIST 4560American Popular Culture SOCI 2293 Sociology of the Family"Each student will submit a portfolio to the program coordinator one semester prior to the semester the student plans to graduate. The portfolio must contain work representing a progression from WGSS 2001 to certificate completion. Students must complete a minimum of one 4000 level course. ;Minimum grade of C in all courses used to meet requirementsof certificate.Additional RequirementsAdmission & Course RequirementsDCourses which are not listed must be approved by the Women, Gender, *Gender, and Sexuality Studies Coordinator.AAdmission to the certification program must be approved by the 1Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Coordinator.Date$WGSS 2001 Intro to Women, Gender, & 3 Sexuality Studies (May also count in Core Area B) Coordinator4Women, Gender, & Sexuality Certificate SOCI 3309Human Sexuality Gender in Society HIST 4561US Social History HIST 4563History of Sexuality WGSS 4000Independent Study NURS 2400Women's Health Care Issues WGSS 4200 InternshipSpecial Topics0WOMEN, GENDER, AND SEXUALITY STUDIES CERTIFICATE WGSS 4500 COMM 2115Intercultural Communication COMM 4100Media & Popular Culture COMM 4400Games & Culture COMM 4500Gender & Communications 2024-2025Z 8 d9d99:;<&>&??A@AccB ZO <w3s  dMbP?_*+%&333333?'?(333333?)q= ףp?M NPI61BF54 ( HP LaserJet M607 )4C odXXLetterGIS4DINU"x *c8xSMTJh{716a8936-b795-408f-abc7-7741b0bc1f6c}InputBinUsePrinterSettingRESDLLUniresDLLLocaleEnglish_United_StatesStringsCluster0IDS_ABOUTTAB_NAMEStringsCluster1IDS_ABOUT_HP_COPYRIGHT1PrintQualityHighUserResolutionResolutionFast1200Resolution600dpiDeviceCollationDeviceUncollatedColorModeMonochromePaperSizeLETTERDocumentMarginsStandardOrientationPORTRAITMediaTypeAutoSelectMediaTypeOutputBinMainStaplingStapleOffPrinterInitializationDONEDuplexNONEManualDuplexManualLongEdgeJobFlipPageUpfalseDocumentNUp1NUpBordersOffPresentationDirectionRightBottomCollateONPageRotate180NoRotationJobPageOrderStandardDocumentEconoModefalseDocumentTintTestingDisabledDocumentRasterCompressionAutomaticJobStorageJobStorageOffJobStorageJobNameJobNameAutoJobStorageUserNameUserNameCurrentJobStoragePrivateSecurePrivateSecureOffJobStorageJobNameExistJobNameExistsUseJobStorageSavePasswordSavePasswordOffDocumentDuplexLocaleGroupEPEATGoldDocumentHPEasyColorHPEasyColorOnWithImageHealingDocumentInsertPagesNoInsertPagesDocumentBlankSheetException1BeforeExceptionPagesDocumentBlankSheetException2BeforeExceptionPagesDocumentMediaException1MediaException1DocumentMediaException2MediaException2DocumentExceptionUsageSpecifiedPagesPageBlackTextNoneGUIStringsIDS_USE_PAPER_SIZEDocumentCoverFrontNoCoverDocumentCoverBackNoCoverDocumentInterleavesNoInterleavesPageWatermarkTextPageWatermarkPlacementCenterPageWatermarkLayeringOverlayPageWatermarkUsageAllPagesPagePoster1DocumentBindingNONEPageScalingNONEScaleOffsetAlignmentCenter*V4DMg>6jq@wAlx&Dd~~~B~h~~$~:d$(~,~~ ,T~~4~8v4~4~R~< ~ <  < @< j@ D H L L:PTXX\D`rttx|. 0h     <0 8 @J  d bArrayZoomPosterNUpBorderWidthNUpBorderLengthNUpBorderDashLengthFrontCoverMediaSizeFrontCoverMediaSizeWidthFrontCoverMediaSizeHeightFrontCoverMediaTypeFrontCoverInputBinBackCoverMediaSizeBackCoverMediaSizeWidthBackCoverMediaSizeHeightBackCoverMediaTypeBackCoverInputBinInterleavesMediaSizeInterleavesMediaSizeWidthInterleavesMediaSizeHeightInterleavesMediaTypeInterleavesInputBinInsertEmptyPagesMediaSizeInsertEmptyPagesMediaSizeWidthInsertEmptyPagesMediaSizeHeightInsertEmptyPagesMediaTypeInsertEmptyPagesInputBinInsertEmptyPagesExceptionUsageInsertEmptyPagesListInsertPrintPagesMediaSizeInsertPrintPagesMediaSizeWidthInsertPrintPagesMediaSizeHeightInsertPrintPagesMediaTypeInsertPrintPagesInputBinInsertPrintPagesExceptionUsageInsertPrintPagesListTargetMediaSizeTargetMediaSizeWidthTargetMediaSizeHeightBindingGutterSignaturePagesPageWatermarkNameHPageWatermarkPlacementOffsetWidthPageWatermarkPlacementOffsetHeightPageWatermarkTransparencyPageWatermarkTextTextHPageWatermarkTextFontSizePageWatermarkTextAnglePageWatermarkTextColorPageWatermarkTextFontHPageWatermarkTextOutlinePageWatermarkTextBoldPageWatermarkTextItalicPageWatermarkTextRightToLeftPageWatermarkImageFileHPageWatermarkImageScaleWidthPageWatermarkImageScaleHeightJobNameUserNamePINPasswordShortcutNameDuplexModedns0000:UsePageMediaSizepsk:Plainpsk:AutoSelectns0000:UsePageMediaSizepsk:Plainpsk:AutoSelectns0000:UsePageMediaSizepsk:Plainpsk:AutoSelectns0000:UsePageMediaSizepsk:AutoSelectpsk:AutoSelectns0000:SpecifiedPag<^esns0000:UsePageMediaSizepsk:AutoSelectpsk:AutoSelectns0000:SpecifiedPages20061HFFFF000000610041ddManual"cXX(\?)\(?&(U} @}  @} @} @} ID} D} D} @} @} @} ID} D} $D} $ @<,@,@;@!@!@ @@@ @ @ @ @ @  @0@@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ AJ AAAABBBBBBBBB s  t   u     T &     I I JC  1 8~ X@ GHC  / 9XYC  0  I I JC  . 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