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CSCI 6900 Special Problems in CSsatisfy program requirements.>A maximum of 6 credit hours with a grade of "C" may be used to<All degree requirements must be completed within 7 calendar Byears from the date of initial enrollment in graduate course work.<No course with a grade of "D" may be used to satisfy program7which their status falls below the required standards. =be placed under academic review at the end of the semester in>Graduate students who fail to maintain academic standards will requirements.DComputing and Mathematics School Signature Date"CSCI 5310 Decision Support SystemsCSCI 6120 Mobile SecurityCSCI 6830 Intelligent Systems$CSCI 6910 Cloud Computing & SecurityCSCI 6420 Data Mining&CSCI 6720 Distributed Web Applications CSCI 6800 HCI & Interface Design2GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (ON-LINE)*CSCI 6230 Internetworking Arch & Protocols 2024-2025:4 4W%5J5.67m$9ccB ZO :M@KO  dMbP?_*+%&333333?'?(333333?)q= ףp?MnHewlett-Packard HP LaserJet P2C odXXLetter GIS4DINU"tmj SMTJ{B28A23B7-4F1C-478B-83A0-29D91AC209F0}InputBinDefaultRESDLLUniresDLLDuplexNONEDocumentNUp1CollateONPaperSizeLETTEROrientationPORTRAITResolution600x600MediaTypeAUTOV4DM"cXX(\?)\(?&(U} L} L}  L} L} L} IM} N} $N} L} L} L} IM} M} M} @:,@,@;@!@ @@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@ @0@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @ 4    b A    6    D D EO  S ```a -~ J@ rsO  V  WWWh .~ J@ rsO  # 5~ J@ rsO  " ~ J@ rsO  & 1 ~ J@ rsO e* fffg 2 ~ J@ rsO X$ YYZ[ 3 ~ J@ rsO % / ~ J@ rsO ) ! ~ J@ sO \( bccd 0~ J@ rsO  ]' ^__i ~ K@ uvOOPPPQRROOOO   wxxy Ojjjz ooooopqOTkll{ ttO  T  jjjz ttOTkmmn O  T jjjz + ,OTkmmn OTjjjz OTkmmn O  T j  m  j| OU}~~ H OD: l2F\2t^^^^^^^^^^> *.N.BN> @! @" @# @$ @% @& @' @( @) @* @+ @, @- @. f@/ @0@12@3@4@5@6@7@8@9 H O !H!O "H"O #H#O $H$O %H%O &H&O 'H'O (H(O )H)O *H*O +H+O,I,O-O.O 0F 1FC2F 3G 3B4F 5GB6F 7GB 9BB8    ><dBB              7 Sheet1ll ggDhDh  Range2h4h Range1 Oh+'0HP\t GSWKrista SmithMicrosoft Excel@Ͻ@lT$@Z= ՜.+,0< PXx  GSW State University Computer Informations Systems+'Computer Informations Systems'!Print_Area  Worksheets Named Ranges  !"#$%&'(*+,-./02345678Root Entry FWorkbookQSummaryInformation()DocumentSummaryInformation81