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E39 semester hours must be upper division work at the 3000-4000 level.NAMEADVISOR GA HISTORY GA CONSTITUTION UNIV 1000 US HISTORYUS CONSTITUTIONgswID# (Activity) PEDS  POLS 1101 American Government PEDS 1010 Lifetime Fitness PEDS 2000 CPR/First Aid" HIST 2111 or 2112 US Hist I or IIEffective Catalog Year:Courses Not Listed Above:Non-Science Majors Only:Science or Non-Science Majors:3/4Lab (if CHEM or BIOL)Nursing and Non-Science Majors:#Select 4 - 5 hours from list below:! SOCI 1101, PSYC 1101, ECON 2105,+Non-Science Majors Only (Minimum 10 hours):1Science or Non-Science Majors (Minimum 11 hours):wHours earned to fulfill PE requirements and UNIV 1000 cannot be used to meet the 120 hours or more needed for a degree.GEOL 1142 Geology of Georgia!UNIVERSITY POLICIES AND PRACTICES-CHEM 1211/1211L Principles of Chemistry I/Lab)CHEM 1151/1151L Survey of Chemistry I/Lab*CHEM 1152/1151L Survey of Chemistry II/LabBIOL 1500 Applied BotanyCHEM 1020 Everyday Chemistry#CHEM 1211 Principles of Chemistry I$CHEM 1212 Principles of Chemistry II/ENVS 1100 Introduction to Environmental Science#GEOL 1221 Solar System Exploration PHYS 1222 Stellar AstronomyMATH 1113 PrecalculusMATH 1120 Calculus)PSYC 1102 Psychology as a Natural Science.CHEM 1212/1212L Principles of Chemistry II/LabOptional Lab (if CHEM or BIOL)Hours:Prior Degree/ Major: Earned at: Comments: Completed by:Date:AELIST" ARTC 1100, MUSC 1100 or THEA 1100  1CIS 1000(3), COMM 1110 (3), ENGL 2200(3), ForeignMATH 1401 Elementary Statistics+BIOL 2107K Principles of Biology I with Lab,BIOL 2108K Principles of Biology II with Lab0GEOL 1121K Earth Materials, Processes, & Environ*GEOL 1122K Earth History and Global Change*PHYS 1111K Introductory Physics I with Lab+PHYS 1112K Introductory Physics II with Lab+PHYS 2211K Principles of Physics I with Lab,PHYS 2212K Principles of Physics II with Lab6LEAD 2020(2), LIBR 1101(2),POLS 2401(3), SOCI 1200(3),(SOSC 1101(3), THEA 1110(3), WGSS 2001(3)BLang(2000 level)(3), HIST 2600 (2), HIST 2800(3), INTL 2000 (1-3),BIOL 1005K Popular Biology 2024-2025GEOL 1110 Environmental Hazards% Institutional Priority (4-5 credits)*MATH 1001, 1101, 1111, 1113, 1120, or 1401*Political Science & US History (6 credits)$Art, Humanities & Ethics (6 credits) ENGL 1101 ENGL 1102! Tech, Science & Math (10-11 hrs) Lab Science - Tech, Science & Math! 2 Tech, Science & Math Courses -Tech, Science & Math CoursesSocial Science (6 credits)Field of Study~Minimum grade of "C" required in Math & Quantitative Reasoning, Written Communication, Field of Study and all major courses. Hours from Institutional Priority plus hours from Tech, Science & Math must equal 15 hours. If more than 15 hours are earned, the extra hours will count in Free Electives. Lab Science Lab Science Lab Sciences IMPACTS CORE: Math & Quantitative Reasoning (3 credits; min grade of C)1Written Communication (6 credits; min grade of C)tIf MATH 1120 is taken in the Math & Quantitative Reasoning Area, the extra hour earned will count in Free Electives.CHN&M+BIOL 1103/1103L Essentials of Biology I/Lab6BIOL 1103R Essential of Biology Critical Thinking Lab ,BIOL 1104/1104L Essentials of Biology II/Lab ENGL 2110, 2120 or 2130!BIOL 1103 Essentials of Biology I"BIOL 1104 Essentials of Biology II&DATA 1501 Introduction to Data ScienceTech Science & Math Notes: 1. BIOL 1103/1103L and 1108/1108L are not open to students with credit in BIOL 2107K or 2108K. 2. PHYS 1111 and 1112 are not open to students with credit in PHYS 2211 or 2212. 3. PSYC 3301 and SOCI 3301 cannot be used to meet Core requirements. 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