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Only two lower level courses may be substituted for Aupper division work with prior written approval of the DepartmentSelect six courses: PSYC 3338 Sport Psychology PSYC 3350 Health Psychology PSYC 3365 Biopsychology% PSYC 4395 Theory/Research Caregiving PSYC 4401 Abnormal Psychology% PSYC 4402 Prin Behavior Modification# PSYC 4405 Theory & Tech Counseling PSYC 4407 Theories of Learning PSYC 4410 Cognitive Psychology" PSYC 4422 Theories of Personality" PSYC 4431 Experimental Psychology" PSYC 449A Special Topics in Psych,Approval for use of PSYC 1101, 1102, or 2103Signature of ChairDate PSYC 1102 PSYC 2103 PSYC 1101 BMinimum grade of "C" is required in all course work counted toward PSYC 3320 Child Psychology=No 3000-4000 level course can be used to satisfy requirements$in both a major and a minor program.+Advisor Signature /Psychology Department Signature $ PSYC 3390 Cross-cultural Psychology! PSYC 3332 Adolescent Development% PSYC 4403 Emotional Prob in Children PSYC 4492 Psychology InternshipsPSYC 4497 Senior Research I PSYC 4498 Senior Research II PSYC 3311 Social Psychology PSYC 3309 Human Sexuality! PSYC 3308 Psych Aspects of Aging# PSYC 3301 Psychological Statistics 2024-2025Required Courses (18 hrs):v4 4Y6 7 8,9Q:ccB ZO A(r~ڄF  dMbP?_*+%&333333?'?(333333?)q= ףp?M NPI61BF54 ( HP LaserJet M607 )4C odXXLetterGIS4DINU"x *c8xSMTJh{716a8936-b795-408f-abc7-7741b0bc1f6c}InputBinUsePrinterSettingRESDLLUniresDLLLocaleEnglish_United_StatesStringsCluster0IDS_ABOUTTAB_NAMEStringsCluster1IDS_ABOUT_HP_COPYRIGHT1PrintQualityHighUserResolutionResolutionFast1200Resolution600dpiDeviceCollationDeviceUncollatedColorModeMonochromePaperSizeLETTERDocumentMarginsStandardOrientationPORTRAITMediaTypeAutoSelectMediaTypeOutputBinMainStaplingStapleOffPrinterInitializationDONEDuplexNONEManualDuplexManualLongEdgeJobFlipPageUpfalseDocumentNUp1NUpBordersOffPresentationDirectionRightBottomCollateONPageRotate180NoRotationJobPageOrderStandardDocumentEconoModefalseDocumentTintTestingDisabledDocumentRasterCompressionAutomaticJobStorageJobStorageOffJobStorageJobNameJobNameAutoJobStorageUserNameUserNameCurrentJobStoragePrivateSecurePrivateSecureOffJobStorageJobNameExistJobNameExistsUseJobStorageSavePasswordSavePasswordOffDocumentDuplexLocaleGroupEPEATGoldDocumentHPEasyColorHPEasyColorOnWithImageHealingDocumentInsertPagesNoInsertPagesDocumentBlankSheetException1BeforeExceptionPagesDocumentBlankSheetException2BeforeExceptionPagesDocumentMediaException1MediaException1DocumentMediaException2MediaException2DocumentExceptionUsageSpecifiedPagesPageBlackTextNoneGUIStringsIDS_USE_PAPER_SIZEDocumentCoverFrontNoCoverDocumentCoverBackNoCoverDocumentInterleavesNoInterleavesPageWatermarkTextPageWatermarkPlacementCenterPageWatermarkLayeringOverlayPageWatermarkUsageAllPagesPagePoster1DocumentBindingNONEPageScalingNONEScaleOffsetAlignmentCenter*V4DMg>6jq@wAlx&Dd~~~B~h~~$~:d$(~,~~ ,T~~4~8v4~4~R~< ~ <  < @< j@ D H L L:PTXX\D`rttx|. 0h     <0 8 @J  d bArrayZoomPosterNUpBorderWidthNUpBorderLengthNUpBorderDashLengthFrontCoverMediaSizeFrontCoverMediaSizeWidthFrontCoverMediaSizeHeightFrontCoverMediaTypeFrontCoverInputBinBackCoverMediaSizeBackCoverMediaSizeWidthBackCoverMediaSizeHeightBackCoverMediaTypeBackCoverInputBinInterleavesMediaSizeInterleavesMediaSizeWidthInterleavesMediaSizeHeightInterleavesMediaTypeInterleavesInputBinInsertEmptyPagesMediaSizeInsertEmptyPagesMediaSizeWidthInsertEmptyPagesMediaSizeHeightInsertEmptyPagesMediaTypeInsertEmptyPagesInputBinInsertEmptyPagesExceptionUsageInsertEmptyPagesListInsertPrintPagesMediaSizeInsertPrintPagesMediaSizeWidthInsertPrintPagesMediaSizeHeightInsertPrintPagesMediaTypeInsertPrintPagesInputBinInsertPrintPagesExceptionUsageInsertPrintPagesListTargetMediaSizeTargetMediaSizeWidthTargetMediaSizeHeightBindingGutterSignaturePagesPageWatermarkNameHPageWatermarkPlacementOffsetWidthPageWatermarkPlacementOffsetHeightPageWatermarkTransparencyPageWatermarkTextTextHPageWatermarkTextFontSizePageWatermarkTextAnglePageWatermarkTextColorPageWatermarkTextFontHPageWatermarkTextOutlinePageWatermarkTextBoldPageWatermarkTextItalicPageWatermarkTextRightToLeftPageWatermarkImageFileHPageWatermarkImageScaleWidthPageWatermarkImageScaleHeightJobNameUserNamePINPasswordShortcutNameDuplexModedns0000:UsePageMediaSizepsk:Plainpsk:AutoSelectns0000:UsePageMediaSizepsk:Plainpsk:AutoSelectns0000:UsePageMediaSizepsk:Plainpsk:AutoSelectns0000:UsePageMediaSizepsk:AutoSelectpsk:AutoSelectns0000:SpecifiedPag<^esns0000:UsePageMediaSizepsk:AutoSelectpsk:AutoSelectns0000:SpecifiedPages20061HFFFF000000610041ddManual"bXX(\?)\(?&(U} @} @} @} $@} $@} IF} F} $F} @} @} @} IF} F} $F} @A,@,@;@!@ @@@ @0@ @ @ @ @ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ A AAAABBBBBBBBB yyyyyy  i yyyy yyyyyyC     3   z4 K K LD  z  {||} D  % 2~ X@ IJD  & ~1~ X@ IJD ~0~ X@ IJD  z  {||} ~/ ~ X@ IJD # ~$ ~ X@ IJD  ~* ~ X@ IJD  ~ ~ Y@ IJD  ~ ~ X@ IJD  ~ X@IJDUVVVW ~)~ X@ IJD ~ X@ IJD ~ X@IJDxrrrr ~ X@IJDxrrrr ~+~ X@IJDGG ~ X@ IJD ~ X@ IJD ~ X@IJDF  @@@ ~ X@IJDF  @@@ ~ X@IJDF  @@@ ~ Y@ IJD [,\\\]~ Y@ IJD -~ X@ IJD .~ Z@ TRDDSSSSSD h' hh hEDDr l2F\2tH^>^^^^^^H>>HHB>>PPP>>>>  @! @" @# @$ @ % @& @' @( @) @* @+ @, @- @. @/ @ 0@1@2@3@4@5@6@7@89@:@;@<@=@>@?@ D!SSSSS!D "s( "ss "s"F"D#D $PO$D %t%uuuuvvwD&g____NNaD 'b"'ipppllmD (bi (q (qqn (n (oD)biqqqnnoD *b *ipppllmD +bi +q +qqn +n +oD,biqqqnnoD -b!-ipppllmD .`_ .i .iij .j .kD/cddddeefD0P0D1Q1D2D3D4D5D 5NN 6^^ 7NN 8NNH 9MM:N :N:F ;MM <NNF =MM >NNF?MDl > ((H(H(H "@ @FFF$><dJ)               7 Sheet1ll ggDhTh   Range2h4h Range1h6hRange2_1 Oh+'0HP\t GSWKrista SmithMicrosoft Excel@k>* @lT$@> ՜.+,0  PXx  GSW State University Minor Psychology'Minor Psychology'!Print_Area  Worksheets Named Ranges  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCEFGHIJKMNOPQRSRoot Entry FWorkbookSummaryInformation(DDocumentSummaryInformation8L