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Warning Text: Warning Text XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight16`%}<MSN Family Nurse Practitionera?8HrsTermGradeNAMEADVISORgswID# Earned at:Effective Catalog Year:Additional Requirements:GRBCD FATBTCTDTWWFDate of Admission:Professional Core Completed:Date Program Began:Readmit Date (if applicable):Prior Degree/Major:Additional Information:$MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING (MSN) 44 Hours Minimum/NURS 6105 Research for Evidence Based Practice 2NURS 6226 Diagnostic & Clinical Reasoning for APNs'NURS 6425 Nurse Practitioner Practicum 3NURS 6127 Scientific Underpinnings of the APN Role(UNIVERSITY POLICIES FOR GRADUATE STUDIES(A 3.0 cumulative GPA must be maintained. requirements.Byears from the date of initial enrollment in graduate course work.>Graduate students who fail to maintain academic standards will=be placed under academic review at the end of the semester in7which their status falls below the required standards. Required Core Courses (15 hrs)$Required Specialty Courses (23 hrs) $Nurse Practitioner Practicum (6 hrs)#NURS 6107 Advanced Pathophysiology Family Nurse Practitioner TrackNURS 6106 Advanced Pharmacology1NURS 6423 Prim Care of Adlts Across the Lifespan21NURS 6422 Prim Care of Adlts Across the Lifespan1$NURS 6421 Advanced Health Assessment2NURS 6129 Hlth Care Delivery Models, Econ & Policy-NURS 6424 Primary Care of Ob & Ped Population?To progress in the graduate nursing program, a Grade of A or B must be earned in all courses.<No course with a grade of C will be used to complete program2All degree requirements must be completed within 5 2024-2025:5 5L6~6759v:ccB ZO .5H]TV  dMbP?_*+%&333333?'?(333333?)q= ףp?M EPSON2B113E (XP-4100 Series)  odhhLetterGIS4DINU"eSMTJ{B71661F4-A4DC-43DF-BC16-39D337D15A95}InputBinMainRESDLLUniresDLLPaperSizeLETTERPageBorderlessNoneMediaTypeSTANDARDOutputBinFaceUpJobPageOrderReverseOrientationPORTRAITPageOutputQualityNormalCollateONPageScalingNoneDuplexNONEResolutionDPI360x360ColorModeColorV4DMVPPIU( ns0000http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2018/04/printing/printschemakeywords/Ipppsfhttp://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2003/08/printing/printschemaframeworkpsf2http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2013/12/printing/printschemaframework2pskhttp://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2003/08/printing/printschemakeywordspsk11http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2013/05/printing/printschemakeywordsv11psk12http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2013/12/printing/printschemakeywordsv12hxmlhttp://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace`xsdhttp://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchemapxsihttp://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance "cXX(\?)\(?&(U} @} @}  @} @} m @} E} E} E} @} @} @} IE} E} $E} @.,@,@,@;@!@ @@@@  @ @  @0 @ ;@ @@@@ j0@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@   AAA ,BBB   c C     7   ( I I JD    yzzz{~ n@ GHD   y zzz{~ n@GHD y-zzz{~ n@ GHD   ttu y+ zzz{~ n@ GHD  |0 }}}~~ o@ QPD   D  )  I I J D  1 ~ n@ GHD  ttu yzzz{~ n@ GHD v/wwwx~ n@ GHD v.wwwx~ s@ GHD 2~ p@ STD * I I JD  U! 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