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Warning Text: Warning Text XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight16`w>MSN Leadership  ; }C<HrsTermGradeNAMEADVISORgswID# Earned at:Effective Catalog Year:Additional Requirements:GRABCD FATBTCTDTWWFDate of Admission:Professional Core Completed:Date Program Began:Readmit Date (if applicable):Prior Degree/Major:Additional Information:$MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING (MSN) /NURS 6104 Theory for Graduate Nursing Practice .NURS 6105 Research for Evidence-Based Nursing NURS 6106 Advanced Pharmacology #NURS 6107 Advanced Pathophysiology &NURS 6230 Health Care Delivery SystemsNURS 6240 Health Care Finance/NURS 6800 Independent Study (1-2 optional hrs.)36 Hours Minimum7NURS 6210 Management of Human Resources in Health Care /NURS 6119 Information Technology in Health CareCore Courses (15 hrs)(UNIVERSITY POLICIES FOR GRADUATE STUDIES(A 3.0 cumulative GPA must be maintained. requirements.IGraduate students who fail to maintain academic standards will be placed <from the date of initial enrollment in graduate course work.+status falls below the required standards. satisfy program requirements.?under academic review at the end of the semester in which their Leadership Track (15 hrs)Leadership Track$Optional Independent Study (1-2 hrs)$NURS 6421 Advanced Health Assessment3A grade of A or B must be earned in all courses to 3No course with a grade of C will be used to satisfy8All degree requirements must be completed within 5 years 2024-2025PNURS 6110 Principles of Leadership & Management Within Health Care OrganizationsPracticum (6 hrs)NURS 6910 Practicum INURS 6920 Practicum IIBb7 7L7B8U9:7<?=ccB ZO B3J-W'\\  dMbP?_*+%&333333?'?(333333?)q= ףp?M EPSON2B113E (XP-4100 Series)  odhhLetterGIS4DINU"eSMTJ{B71661F4-A4DC-43DF-BC16-39D337D15A95}InputBinMainRESDLLUniresDLLPaperSizeLETTERPageBorderlessNoneMediaTypeSTANDARDOutputBinFaceUpJobPageOrderReverseOrientationPORTRAITPageOutputQualityNormalCollateONPageScalingNoneDuplexNONEResolutionDPI360x360ColorModeColorV4DMVPPIU( ns0000http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2018/04/printing/printschemakeywords/Ipppsfhttp://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2003/08/printing/printschemaframeworkpsf2http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2013/12/printing/printschemaframework2pskhttp://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2003/08/printing/printschemakeywordspsk11http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2013/05/printing/printschemakeywordsv11psk12http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2013/12/printing/printschemakeywordsv12hxmlhttp://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace`xsdhttp://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchemapxsihttp://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance "cXX(\?)\(?&(U} @} @}  @} @}  @} IC} C} C} @} @} @} IC} C} C} I@} @} I@} @B,@,@,@;@!@ @@@ @ @ @  @0 @0 @0@0@@@ @0@@@ @0@@ R0@@@@@@   1    o A     7 $  ' G G HB   xyyyz~ b@ cFB  { |qqr xyyyz~ b@ cFB   xyyyz~ b@ cFB   x  yyyz~ b@ cFB { |qqr 3 ~ d@ ePB  vvw  fffffgg B  vvw 0  h h H B  }~ 8 ~ b@ cFB x&yyyz~ b@ cFB  T( \\\] %~ b@ cFB  ) \\^ !~ b@ cFB  s4 tttuUU_ "~ d@ ePB  s. tttuWWVffiiijjJB  5 WW_ 9 k k SB  * JJ_ :~ l@ maB  6 JJ_ ;~ d@ ePB  , JJ_B  + YYX 2nB  / KKZ #`ePB  - JJ_(@@@@@CCCQDDCCC[[p BDD BDD N K BDD N KBKKMMM N KBKLMLJ N KBD l22F\2t^^^^^Bt>^dddBzdd0NN,(.. @!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@)*@+@,@-@.@/@0@1@2@3@4@5@6f@7@8@9:@;@<@=@>@?@ N K BDD !N!K!B "N"K"B #N#K#B # @@@ $N$B %N%B &N&B 'N'B(O(B)B*B+B,B-B.B/B0B1B2B3B4B5B6B8I 8I 9IIE :II;J ;J;C <II =JJC >II ?JJCDl(""2 "@@A@I ACCCB ><d 3                            7 Sheet1ll ggDhLh  Range2h4h Range1 Oh+'0HP\t GSWKrista SmithMicrosoft Excel@}`@lT$@Q ՜.+,0 PXx  GSW State University MSN Leadership'MSN Leadership'!Print_Area  Worksheets Named Ranges  !"#$%&'()*+,-./12345679:;<=>?Root Entry FWorkbookp_SummaryInformation(0DocumentSummaryInformation88