Decades of research have shown college students who live on campus have a smoother transition to college, create strong connections to campus, develop friendships, have higher grades, and graduate at a higher rate. GSWs Two-Year Residence Requirement has been implemented to promote and ensure student success at the highest level. All First-Year students will be required to live in on-campus housing for two full academic years.
The mission of the Office of Residence Living is to integrate living and learning, while supporting the educational goals of our students and the university. We are committed to promoting PRIDE among the residence life staff and residents by:
The possession, sale, manufacturing, distribution, or consumption of alcohol by or to persons under the age of 21 is prohibited and illegal under state and federal laws. Violators are subject to disciplinary action and any legal ramifications.
Residents are given two access items for entering the residence hall: the CanesCard and their room key.
Behavior that interferes with the normal functioning of a residence hall or unnecessarily impedes on the rights of students and/or staff is prohibited.
A guest is defined as any individual who has not executed a contract for the residential space they are visiting. Guests must abide by all policies of the residence halls, and hosts are responsible for the conduct of their guests.
Pets and other animals are not permitted in the residence hall without written permission of a Residential Living Coordinator or Director of Residential and Campus Life.
The following list of items are not allowed in the residence halls.
The following list of actions are not permitted in the residence halls.
All First-Year students will be required to live in on-campus housing for two full academic years.
Who Qualifies as a First-Year Student?
All students accepted and enrolled at Çï¿ûÊÓƵ for their first academic year immediately after graduating high school. This may vary based on time of start:
A student may request to have their Two-Year Residency waived by completing a written appeal via the Housing Exemption form, if they meet one or more of the following exceptions:
GSW Residence Life may make additional exceptions and will request verification documents for any of the above exceptions.
How to Request a Waiver of the Two-Year Residency Requirement
If a student feels they meet one or more of the exceptions listed above and wishes to waive the Two-Year Residency Requirement for on-campus housing and meal plan, they should follow the below instructions for a written appeal.
Students must send requests and supporting documentation by July 1.
Waivers received after July 1st will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
If at any point a violation of the Two-Year Residency Requirement is discovered, the student will be charged for one full semester of housing as well as the default meal plan. The student will then be referred to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities for additional sanctioning, which may include a requirement to move on-campus.
Questions regarding the Two-Year Residency Requirement should be directed to GSW Residence Life at or 229-931-2375.
As a protection to residents, Residential Living does not permit salespersons, peddlers, or agents in the residences. Please notify a Residential Living or Public Safety staff member immediately should you encounter any individual soliciting in the building. Solicitation in the residence hall also includes the unapproved distribution of flyers in the building.
Revised 5/1/2023
Office of Residence Life
Student Success Center
Third Floor