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Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Courses in the B.S. in Mathematics program provide core preparation for each option, which has a specific applied focus, and prepares students for graduate work in an area with great career potential. Students have the option of choosing a B.S. in Mathematics or a B.S. in Mathematics with a Computational Science and Engineering Concentration. 

Graduates can find career opportunities such as:

  • Graduate Studies


Benefits of a Career in Mathematics

When choosing a career in mathematics, students can expect opportunities that are challenging, diverse, and offer a variety of benefits including:

  • Flexibility and versatile skills to pursue a variety of career paths and/or advanced education
  • Average starting salaries are generously higher than careers in other fields
  • Ability to join a fast-growing industry in technology with steady growth for job opportunities

Undergraduate Major

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Crawford Wheatley Hall

Dr. Kailash Ghimire, Department Chair

Faculty & Staff

Math Student

Interested in a Teaching Certification in Mathematics? Get certified through our College of Education.

Computational Science and Engineering Option

Course Course Title
MATH 2222 Calculus III
MATH 3313 Differential Equations
MATH 3316 Analysis I
MATH 3317 Analysis II
MATH 3325  Math Statistics
MATH 4440 Partial Differential Equations
MATH 4458 Comp Science & Engineering I
MATH 4459  Comp Science & Engineering II
Select Two of the Following:
MATH 4442 Complex Analysis
MATH 4495 Math Prep for Grad Sch. (Required)
Math 4499 Senior Honors Thesis

I am especially grateful to GSW’s [Chemistry, Geology and Physics] department and STEM programs and the academic traditions they represent.

Ian Wynn Math & Geology Double Major, Chemistry Minor
Plains, Georgia