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Integrated Studies

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Bachelor of Integrated Studies

The Bachelor of Integrated Studies program provides students with an avenue to an interdisciplinary bachelor's degree and a degree completion option for students who have substantial credit hours without attaining a degree or prefer a broad selection of courses. Students are able to mix and match a series of certificates or minors offered at Georgia Southwestern allowing for a variety of options. The Integrated Studies program allows students more flexibility to engage in disciplines of interest across campus with many to most certificate courses offered completely online.

This program consists of 60 hours in the core curriculum conforming to USG and GSW requirements plus the completion of three areas of concentration. Each area of concentration may be satisfied by completing the requirements for a minor or certificate. The Bachelor of Integrated Studies also includes a capstone course in interdisciplinary studies.


Program Curriculum

Undergraduate Certificates - On-campus Options

American Studies

Digital Media

General Music

School Psychology

Social Justice

Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Undergraduate Certificates - Online Options

Caregiving Issues and Management

Criminal Justice

General Music


Financial Technology

European Union Studies

Pop Music

Video Game Music

Undergraduate Major

Bachelor of Integrated Studies

Glenn Robins
Program Coordinator


Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm

Office of the Dean


I originally chose my major because it’s so versatile, and I honestly just couldn't decide on one area of focus.

Maggie McCoy General Studies, with minors in Art, Marketing, and Media & Communications
Americus, Georgia